
The Center for Urban Teaching is now accepting applications for our summer teacher training internship portion of our program for the summer of 2021! Please note, this internship is just a part of our overall program. Completion of our entire program requires participation in our summer school teacher training internship in addition to tours, networking, and professional development opportunities that will provide undergrads with the experience and exposure necessary to become top notch teachers by the time they are placed in their first year of teaching in the classroom.

Qualifying candidates are currently enrolled in college or already have your degree (BA, MBA). If you do not have your degree or are not enrolled in college, you can still apply to the program. If selected, you will receive a $2,000 scholarship paid directly to the university you choose to attend in lieu of the stipend.

If you are enrolled in college already, or have a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree already, you will have the OPTION of either a paid stipend (paycheck) OR elect to have your payment used as a scholarship paid directly to the university you are enrolled at.

Qualifying candidates also possess the following qualities:

  • Recognized as a Christian leader in their current role
  • Courageous
  • Dedicated to High Performance
  • Respectful
  • Perseverant
  • Coachable

During this internship, you will join over 250 teacher and leader candidates from over 50 universities and have the opportunity to impact over 1,500 scholars at over 20 school site locations in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Racine, Wisconsin areas.

Your typical daily schedule will run between 7am until 5:30 pm each day.

  • Teachers engage in two weeks of intensive training that focus on three important elements: building a positive school culture, high-performance instructional strategies, and character development. Through these three lenses, teachers are trained on strategies that build trust while setting and maintaining high-behavioral expectations, instructional strategies that ensure teachers plan and deliver data-driven lessons that foster student engagement, and a process for character development that helps teachers, leaders, and students explore their personal identity and purpose as it relates to their performance. There is also an immense amount of team building in which everyone learns how to work together and how to build strong relationships with one another.

Dates to remember for our Center for Urban Teaching Summer School Teacher training are as follows:

  • Application deadline is Friday, March 26th, 2021 for those living in the Milwaukee Area
  • Housing is available for those that live outside of the Milwaukee Area for a fee.
  • Team Building & Training: June 15th-June 29th, 2021 [Includes one overnight retreat June 17-18th, 2021]
  • Summer School Teaching: July 1st-July 29th, 2021 (No school on July 5th, 2021)
  • Weekly evening professional development meetings are TENTATIVELY scheduled for Wednesday nights from 3:00pm-5:30pm.

For more questions, or concerns, please email us at cfutsummer@cfut.org, visit our website at http://cfut.org/summerschool or give us a call at (414) 433-9180.

Commonly asked questions:

What are the eligibility requirements?

Applicants should be 18 years or older and be aligned with CfUT’s core values. No prior teaching experience or a major in education is necessary. We do require all teachers to have participated in an immersion tour and to be accepted into our program before summer to build a vision of the high-performance model CfUT seeks in its summer school. Participants must be enrolled at a college or university or already have a bachelor’s degree.

Is this a paid position?

Yes! The base pay is a stipend of $2,000, paid in two installments over the course of the internship (once after the two week training, and the remainder after completion of the four week teaching experience). Alternatively, this can be received as a scholarship paid directly to your university from CfUT.

If I’m not from Milwaukee, where do I stay?

CfUT partners with the Wisconsin Lutheran College campus which offers use of their dorms for the summer internship for a fee ranging between $650-$850.

Does CfUT supply transportation?

No, but with the number of teachers in the program it’s easy to carpool with someone going to the same Summer School site.

Once on the job, what kind of guidance does a teacher receive?

Each of the components of training are further developed through ongoing coaching and feedback throughout the summer school program from their summer school leader. Every teacher receives informal feedback daily, and there’s formal observation with a sit-down debrief including next steps, to implement every week. Teachers also come back together once every week for additional professional development. Most classrooms also utilize a co-teaching model.

Can this count for credit?

Yes, for some universities! Several partner universities are adding the CfUT Summer School Program to their urban education minor or other programs. Contact us for more information about starting this at your university.

What is the role of the schools at which we teach?

We like to say our schools “give us the keys and the kids” – they let us take over their schools for four weeks. Together – CfUT leaders, coaches and our undergraduate teachers – we develop a school from the ground up, outlining policies and procedures and anything and everything that builds a school culture. It’s not just about academics and lesson plans, but our spiritual component of unconditional love driving strong teacher-student relationships that have lasting impact.

How do I learn more?

To talk with someone at the Center for Urban Teaching, call 414.433.9180 or contact us.

Has COVID effected the program?

CfUT was required to cancel the 2020 Summer School internship due to regulations, but 2021 is going to be a great year as usual!

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