
The Legislative Fellows Program

The Florida House of Representatives provides many opportunities for men and women to serve the State’s vast and multifaceted citizenry. In 1967, then Senator Lawton Chiles sponsored a bill creating an Intern Program for the Florida Legislature as a means by which young adults are introduced to the legislative process. The program’s mission is to provide college graduates pursuing a graduate degree with an opportunity to experience the legislative process and public policy making. For over 50 years, more than 900 young adults have gained immeasurable insight regarding the inner workings of government, and many have gone on to use this experience in their professional life. View the program brochure, located below, for additional information. 

How to Apply

Complete the Legislative Fellows Program Application Packet, located below, and submit all materials by the deadline. Materials can be emailed to FellowsProgram@myfloridahouse.gov, faxed to 850.487.6440, or mailed to the Florida House of Representatives, Office of Administration & Professional Development, Legislative Fellows Program, 1201 The Capitol, 402 South Monroe Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300. Note: You must use Adobe Reader (free) to fill out the Legislative Fellows Program Application Packet.

Rate of Pay/Hours of Work

The rate of pay is $15.00 per hour. Work must be performed during regular business hours. From the program start date through December 31st, participants work 20 hours per week. From January 1st through the program end date, participants work 30 hours per week to assist with the increased session workload.

Tuition or Stipend Benefit

Participants receive payment of up to 18 hours of graduate tuition at Florida in-state rates during the time of the fellowship (Fall and Spring only) or receive a monthly stipend of $500 from the program start date through December 31st, and $800 from January 1st through the program end date.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must be a Florida resident or be enrolled in a Florida school at the time of application. Applicants must have received their bachelor’s degree and be enrolled in a graduate program prior to beginning the Legislative Fellows Program. Law school students must be a 2L or 3L to be considered for the program.

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