Valentine’s Day is a celebration of those who lend a helping hand and share their love with one another. At FIU CARTA, we honor our alumni, faculty, and supporters who continually show their love for our students and community. Check out the links below to read about FIU alumni who found all sorts of love at FIU, share your own FIU love story, and download FIU-themed Valentines to send or post. Honor a loved one, honor your beloved CARTA.


“Roses are red, violets are blue
Here is a Valentine from FIU to you
From GC to Panther Square to Parkview Hall
You’ve lived here, and loved there, been a Panther through it all
Warm days at the lake, cold ones in your dorm
Watching Golden Dazzlers, HEARTbeats and the band perform
Cheering on the team with Roary nearby
The high-fives and hugs during your graduation goodbye

There’s so much to recall, reminisce, and explore
The memories and moments – the ones that meant more
So send your loved one a card, a post, or a tweet
You can be heartfelt or clever or sweet

A message to your boyfriend, a best friend, a wife:
Remind them that Panthers are Panthers for life.”

Stories of FIU Love

I met Elizabeth in 2012 while attending a Phi-Alpha-Delta pre-law fraternity rush event. From the moment I saw her, I knew I had to try. Our first date (if I can even call it that?) was during the same year. I had won tickets at FIU to go to the Coconut Grove Improv and tricked her into going with me (I told her I invited my friends). She offered to go as my friend but long story short, I didn’t bring enough money to pay for both of us, it was incredibly awkward, and she still didn’t want to date me after the night was over. She rejected me at least 3 more times throughout the year, with each of my attempts being as pathetic as the first. However, my determination never withered! Eventually, she said yes, and we fell in love. Elizabeth is the first person I ever left the country with. We traveled to Costa Rica, Hawaii, California, and Australia. While in Hawaii, I found the perfect opportunity to propose! We later both finished Graduate School together at FIU (Law School for her and Disaster Management for me) and have an adorable puppy together!

Jose and I met in school at FIU CARTA Landscape Program. In 2010, we both started at the same time in the 3 year track graduate program and in the same class. In our second year, Fall semester, our studio did a class trip to the Dominican Republic. A few friends and classmates decided to go a few days earlier and stay at an all-inclusive. Slowly feelings began to rise.

Few days later we met the rest of our class in Santo Domingo.  Few of us decided to go out around the city, dancing and some bar hoping. As the night goes by, Jose had asked me to dance Bachata. At that moment I decided to make my move, a kiss on his neck. (I may have gotten a little help from a few Cuba Libre’s)

Few days go by throughout the trip and the tension and connection between us grew. Finally our last night found ourselves once again dancing in Santo Domingo, middle of the dance floor we kissed for the first time. Since that night we have always been together.

Shareable FIU Valentines

Download the e-Valentines below and share them via social media to show your partner, friends, family, and co-workers how much you care!

Heartbleedsbluegold 01
Honor 04
Honor 03
Honor 022
Heartbleedsbluegold 03