
Aquarius Reef Base Model

Located in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Aquarius Reef Base has been instrumental in advancing our understanding of coral reef ecosystems. This unique underwater laboratory provides a base for scientists to conduct long-term research and monitoring of coral reefs, as well as develop new techniques for coral restoration and conservation. The facility is operated by Florida International University, and its research program is one of the longest-running and most detailed coral reef monitoring programs in the world.

In 2022, The RDF lab was commissioned to create a 3D print of the base to provide a visual representation of the facility and assist in communicating the mission of the base. The lab developed the 3D model and produced the physical model of the Aquarius Reef base.



3D printing




Participating Faculty: Vassigh and Peterson

Participating Students: Lyla Wu, Amanda Wojtaiak, Sienna Lewis, Olivia Beck

Project coordination, 3D printing, and consulting: Luis Pacheco


Special thanks to the Institute of the Environment and Dr. Crowl and Fourqurean

