5 Tips to Improve your Copywriter Resume

When you’re applying for a copywriting job, the bar for your application materials is a little higher than for other types of roles. Advertising copywriters are responsible for making the brand and agency they represent look as professional as possible in their written material. They need to prove their capacity for creativity and precise writing skills, which can be more challenging to demonstrate than a solid, scientific skill set. For a quick recap, your essay must be:

  • Grammatically perfect
  • Creatively presented
  • Demonstrative of flexibility and an ability to learn

Let’s explore methods that can help you demonstrate each of these.

  1. Don’t be Afraid to Deviate from Standard Application Expectations

For many other roles, fitting within standard parameters conveys professionalism. However, when you are applying to be a copywriter, you need to demonstrate your ability to paint pictures, tell stories, and evoke emotions with your words. For example, the better you can tell the story of a copywriter landing his or her dream job, the more you can help employers understand your talent as a storyteller.

  1. Get a Fresh Set of Eyes to Copy Edit Your Materials

One thing is certain, employers won’t hire you to write if you have obvious errors in your submission materials. Think about the role for which you are applying. One of your major responsibilities will be to guarantee that the brand you represent looks detail oriented and competent. Showing your materials to a fresh set of eyes for copy-editing can help you capture any mistakes before a potential employer sees them.

  1. Point to any Data You Can

Sometimes, a hiring manager will need to make the case internally that you deserve to be hired. Perhaps you wrote for a blog and your articles helped grab online traffic. Maybe you interned at a company and ran their social media for a little while, and you were able to pick up some new followers. Quantify the value of your work however you can.

  1. Demonstrate Your Soft Skills

Copywriters spend a good amount of time working with editors, brand managers and clients who all get a say on your written material. Copywriters work with creative directors, brand managers, clients and editors. You need to demonstrate to potential employers that you are capable of handling constructive criticism. 

  1. Think Digital

Every brand is constantly developing its online presence. If you can demonstrate any experience with writing for blogs or mobile content, you will set yourself apart from other applicants. Digital writing of all kinds is in demand, from long blogs to short, catchy Tweets and Facebook posts.

How to Set Yourself Up for a Successful Career in Copywriting

Florida International University has partnered with the award-winning Miami Ad School to deliver a program that has helped aspiring advertising professionals find successful careers all over the world. You get to attend FIU’s beautiful Biscayne Bay Campus and the colorful Wynwood Art District, where Miami Ad School is located. This is an excellent place to network and draw inspiration for your future work. Contact us online to browse through course information, or email program director Grizelle De Los Reyes at gdelosre@fiu.edu.

By |2018-07-03T09:30:26-04:00July 3rd, 2018|Copy Writing|Comments Off on 5 Tips to Improve your Copywriter Resume