free and open to the public
Exuberant exhibition of the final graduate work of FIU Architecture students in a design studio led by MBUS researcher and Architecture professor Nick Gelpi. Student explore building proposals for sites along the Miami River.
This exhibition reveals the results of a Spring 2018 advanced graduate architectural design studio that explored material concepts for architecture derived from the structures of metals. The design projects propose new recreation-centers at various sites along the Miami River. Initial forms and
organizational derive from famed metallurgist Cyril Stanley Smith, whose micro-structural analysis of metals provide unique insights into metals as a material. Students explored how the structures of metals provide new potentials for the ways we design architecture.
Professor Nick Gelpi
Joyce Alonso
Chloe Castanon
Kutal Ceren
Monica Chan
Luis Gomez
Alexandro Gutierrez
Damian Henriques
Walter Holgado
Jordan Kager
Alexandra Lopez
Sandra Mustieles
Nathalie Restrepo
Daniel Tabet
Deborah Wintringer Ariosa
Schneur Zalman Meyer