In Boundaries, twelve Florida International University Art & Art History alumni came together virtually to create work during the Covid-19 pandemic. In March 2020, at the start of the stay-at-home orders, the artist Krystal Rodriguez founded the Instagram group @hot_stuf11 as a means to stay connected to the South Florida art community. In this virtual group the artists would meet weekly via Zoom where they discussed and critiqued each other’s work. The artists’ virtual collaboration was the catalyst of this exhibition.
The title Boundaries references physical limits but also social constructs. It suggests quarantining, social distancing, mask wearing, stay at home orders and virtual meetings. It hints at the confusing navigation of Covid-19 mandates between borders of cities, counties, states and countries. It asks the question what are the limits of civic discourse, civil rights, and free speech? Who draws the line, where is the line and who crosses the line?
In an effort to survive through these tumultuous times we all have been navigating these physical and intangible boundaries with trepidation and confusion. Art and community is what helped many of us endure.
Exhibition Run Date- July 23 – August 31, 2021
Gallery Hours – Monday – Friday 9am -5pm.
Katty Aoun
Amanda Covach
Zothampari Flores-Pardo
Shannon Hand
Sofia Hernandez
Gabriella Iglesisas
Jefreid Lotti
Angel Marin
Felipe Melendrez
Alfredo Poleo
Vanessa Ramirez
Krystal Rodriguez