Join The Betsy Hotel and Miami Beach Urban Studios for a conversation with two women entrepreneurs whose product is words – one each operating in the profit and non-profit sectors.
Maxeme Tuchman is the co-founder and CEO of CARIBU (caribu.com), a product that has been called the best family video-calling app integrating children’s books and activities; it’s an education platform that helps adults read and draw with children when they’re not in the same location – a “FaceTime meets Kindle” for kids. The start-up is Miami-based with a digital archive of hundreds of books, in six languages, and educational workbooks that users draw on together in real-time. Ann Friedman is the Founder and CEO of Planet Word (planetwordmuseum.org) a revolutionary DC-based voice-activated museum dedicated to the power and beauty, of language and to showing how words shape the human experience, founded on the belief that literacy is fundamental to the health of democracy. Planet Word is housed in the brilliantly re-imagined Franklin School, a National Historic Landmark with a rich history in public education and the site of the first wireless voice transmission by Alexander Graham Bell in 1880.
To learn more about Maxeme Tuchman, click here
To learn more about Ann Friedman, click here
To learn more about The Betsy Hotel, click here