Student Life2024-06-21T15:47:24+00:00


Given the long hours and often intensive working conditions in the design studio, we encourage students to live on or near the Modesto Maidique Campus, if at all possible.  While there are many small and reasonably priced apartments to be found in the surrounding areas, the offerings on campus are considered to be some of the best around. For more information, please visit the website of the FIU Office of Housing and Residential Life by clicking here.


Laptop Initiative

The School of Architecture requires all students to own a laptop computer and specific software for use in instructional courses. Equipment purchased within the last two years will generally accommodate the required software. The hardware and software specifications are meant to serve as guides.

Hardware Expectations
As an FIU student, you are eligible to purchase hardware with educational discounts from UTS. Students are expected to own an updated PC (Windows 10 x 64)  or Mac laptop (MacBook Pro).  Some suggestions for 2020-21 include computers with Intel Core i7 or i9 (Quad Core) processor, 16 GB of RAM or more, Dedicated video processor should be one of the following or greater: (Nvidia Quadro (P or T)1000, Nvidia® Geforce 950 M, 1050 M, 2060 M, AMD  Radeon Pro 5300M/5500M, AMD FirePro M4000 Mobility Pro), Wireless networking adapter (for internet), Three-year warranty (recommended)

Software Expectations
As an FIU student, you are eligible to purchase software with educational discounts from UTS Shop Software. All students are expected to acquire the latest version of Autodesk Revit, Autodesk AutoCAD, Autodesk Maya, Adobe Creative Suite Design Premium, SketchUp, Rhino6 (for Windows), and a video editing program such as Adobe AfterEffects or Final Cut Pro. Additional software may be required for certain courses.


USB thumb drive (32 GB), USB storage hard drive/backup (500 GB–1 TB), A mouse of your choice

It is recommended that students purchase both hardware and software security systems for their laptops. Many computer companies sell both hardware and software security systems for their laptops. You can also check out FIU’s University Technology Services.