Maintaining High Ethical Standards and Cultural Sensitivity in Digital Marketing

Maintaining High Ethical Standards and Cultural Sensitivity in Digital Marketing

Why a Master’s in Global Strategic Communications Creative?

By: Joseph Valancy

Controversy has been a big thing recently. Trust us, it never works out in the long run. Though people can easily hide behind anonymous usernames, if you’re building a business or image online, people will know who you are and hold you to high standards. Here is a list of do’s and don’t to help you.

Things to Avoid

DON’T Use Hate Speech

The easiest thing to avoid is deliberate hate speech. If you are a media and content producer, screen the language you use when producing your content. Think to yourself that this is your public image that keeps consumers coming back. Don’t drive them away with targeted language.

For companies that have direct interactions with their user base, via social media or message boards, it is important to not directly attack your consumers. The Internet should be treated exactly like real life when it comes to social interactions and you wouldn’t discriminate against someone to their face, right?

DON’T Make Content That Encourages a Toxic Environment

Your product or content is what defines your online presence. Because it is what draws in your audience, you need to know exactly what message your product is sending. If it is attracting the wrong crowds, as in the type with negative associations, then something about your message must be wrong.

Just as your product should not attract the wrong crowds, your online persona also should not. As you are interacting with consumers, just as hate towards others drives people away, it also attracts people who flock to where hatred flows freely in conversations. Don’t allow this type of behavior to stick around your image.

DON’T Be a Hypocrite

The people of the Internet love to argue, and as most things are in text form here, your past responses to consumers will exist for as long as you exist. It’s easy for the average Joe to dig up anything hypocritical you may have said a year ago, which could damage your image.

If you, by some chance, said or did something negative, don’t try to silence and hide it. This only could hurt you in the long run. Own up to your mistakes to your users and consumers and they will forgive you for being honest. This lets people know that you have a moral code.

DON’T Affiliate With Social Justice Groups.

This is a recent trend in which cyber bullies use loaded terms about discrimination and negativity to make it seem like they are the victims when in reality they discriminate and breed hatred. The producers of the cartoon “Steven Universe” learned this the hard way, and as a result, the active fan base and supporters are few and far in between.

A significant amount of online producers has been deceived by what appears to be a just cause, only to gain the ire of the rest of their fans and consumers. It is best to just avoid them altogether, especially the ones that call themselves “Social Justice Warriors.”

Positive Things You Can Do

DO Your Research

Stay informed about what is going on in both the world and your online environment. Be aware of hot-button issues and recent controversies so you can take steps to avoid them.

Even if you can’t research everything, use common sense about things that might be controversial.

DO Maintain Good Relationships With Consumers.

Just as you should not drive your consumers away with negativity, you need to actively strive to keep your consumers with positivity. Treat all interactions with consumers as formal affairs. Remember that you as a producer must lead by example.

Continue to give people what they came to you for by appealing to your target demographic in a tasteful manner. Tasteful and quality content keeps your users and consumers happy and less likely to attract hatred.

DO Actively Moderate Your Content.

Take responsibility for what you put out there. Double check what you are about to put out there and ask for the opinions of peers and/or employees if what you’re are about write or create will generate a negative response. If someone thinks that it might, it’s probably best to not release said content and start over again.

For companies that have direct interactions with their user base, via social media or message boards, it is important to actively moderate the messages users display on your pages. Let your users know that you have standards and won’t tolerate negativity among them. Ban repeat offenders if necessary in order to maintain peace among the rest of your user base.

DO Remember, That if all Else Fails, Don’t Interact

For some people, being a decent human being is easy. However, for those that find it difficult to act nice, it is important to interact only when necessary. Limit yourself so that each time you respond to a consumer or advertise yourself or your brand, it becomes an impactful occasion on yourself to the point that you are certain that this time no one will be offended.

Remember how social interactions work in real life. Treat this the same way and you will learn how to stay decent and hold yourself to a higher standard than the rest of the Internet.

Feel free to leave comments below, as we hold ourselves to these high standards. Your comments will be moderated.

By |2017-04-17T13:53:21-04:00April 17th, 2017|Recommendations|Comments Off on Maintaining High Ethical Standards and Cultural Sensitivity in Digital Marketing