Creative Copywriter Resume Templates That Will Help You Stand Out

Copywriting is a great field. The discipline allows you to simplify complicated ideas and present them for individual consumption. Nevertheless, you need to be aware of one fact of this exciting world: copywriting is a competitive field. Hundreds of job seekers sent in their work experience and references. You do not want your resume to end up in a pile of forgotten job applications. If you want to stand out, use a creative resume template.

Look at it this way – one of the major elements of advertising copy is formatting and presenting information clearly. If you can demonstrate your ability to make yourself stand out, you can show a potential employer that you can do the same thing for their clients. Here are a few template resource options that are effective and creative.


Free Copywriting Resume Templates Online For Industries Of All Kinds

Many copywriters have an eye for graphic design since they look at everything creatively. If you have Adobe Creative Cloud or Microsoft Office Suite, free templates are available in InDesign and Microsoft Word. Using templates integrated within the program allows you to more easily add unique features that do not need to be imported and face compatibility issues.

Customize these templates to reflect your personal journey so that it does not pop up next to someone else who used the same program. You can do this by changing the color schemes, using custom symbols, inserting a graphic, or using fonts downloaded from Typekit or Fontsquirrel. Think of templates as a blueprint that you color in with your winning profile and not just a word swap of their information for yours. Take a look at these templates, and see if any of them match your vision.


Discover Visual Inspiration For Copywriting Resumes From These Resources

Do not limit your template resourcing to sites you know like LinkedIn or Pinterest (though these are great resources). Explore alternative pages like Behance, Dribble, Muzli, and Web Designer Depot. These are the corners of the Internet where creators go for inspiration themselves.

A benefit of exploring social media pages dedicated to graphic design is that you generate extreme ideas. Even if you decide not to use them, different perspectives still might push you to think outside the box. Some of the colorful cartoons and reinventions of the standard designs might expand your idea of what is possible. A word of caution: go in with some self-restraint or you will spend all day browsing in awe instead of working on your CV!


What Would Catch Your Eye

Ultimately, creativity is about individuality. Put yourself in the place of a hiring professional, and ask what would capture your attention? Do not try to read their minds, but do consider the culture of the agency to which you are applying. Even something as simple as using the brand’s colors for your borders and headers could make you look like you were born to work there.

With this in mind, keep it professional and subtle. Do not recreate the logo with your name or suddenly speak in their social media tone of voice as you would in your copywriting. Ultimately you want to fit in with the company culture and make sure your CV feels like it from all angles: copy, design, presentation.


Alternative Creative Templates For A Compelling Cv

CV templates for creatives and creative CV’s are not mutually exclusive things. Increasingly, there are stories of employees who used creative ways to get noticed by hiring managers. Copywriters have turned their resume’s into flyers, websites, posters, packaging, or whatever else fits the world they are trying to break into. This adds dimension to their body of work, making their CV experiential. Demonstrating how you think dynamically reveals your style and identity to a potential employer, and you answer more questions with presentation than you will at an interview.

A template is a great way to get started, but do not limit yourself to stand shapes and sizes. If it is not your personal style or within your skill realm to create something like this, you can take snippets of inspiration that work for you. Of course for practical purposes, be sure to have a text version of your CV that is ready for input into online applications – but for now, get inspired!


Online Copywriter Portfolio Templates

This article has focused primarily on resumes as a foundation for being ready to apply for jobs. As a copywriter, you are more than likely going to be asked for a link to your writing portfolio. You, of course, want to say, “Yes!”

A portfolio is simply a curated collection of your work. Student and speculative work are fine if you are starting out and shows the extent of your skills thus far. There are a variety of platforms that you can use to create an online portfolio. However, the most important takeaway for the purpose of this article is that you create one and provide the link on your CV.


Learn More About Creative Copywriting and Resume Designs

If you are interested in learning more about how to develop a well-designed resume to impress advertising professionals, who would be better to learn from than advertising professionals? That is the opportunity Florida International University offers you by partnering with instructors who have decades of industry experience at Miami Ad School. Both schools are located in Miami, South Florida in the bustling, artistic, and urban district of Wynwood.

Your creative education at Florida International University will prepare you to design creative resumes that you will give you the edge to a job application. Contact Professor Grizelle De Los Reyes, Director of the FIU-MAS Creative Track Program by filling out our contact form to learn more.


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By |2018-05-29T14:44:42-04:00May 29th, 2018|Resume Building|Comments Off on Creative Copywriter Resume Templates That Will Help You Stand Out