Why Miami Makes Our Global Strategic Communications Program Truly Global

Why Miami Makes Our Global Strategic Communications Program Truly Global

The city of Miami is reportedly the most populated metropolitan area in the state of Florida. It is nicknamed “The Magic City” due to its rapid growth and is home to a diverse group of cultures. Being the major area of commerce leading in finance, arts and entertainment, and technology, not to mention international trade thanks to also being a seaport city, Miami is the hub of opportunity for all Americans and especially for international students.

Studying Global Communications in a Globally Cultural State

Miami’s rich culture includes a melting pot of Cuban, Haitian, Italian, Jewish, Nicaraguan, African, Bahamian, Venezuelan, Middle Eastern,

Mexican and many more cultures. This is the perfect place to enroll in the Global Strategic Communications – Creative (GSC Creative Track) Master’s program. Florida International University is an accredited educational institution located in Miami at the center of major attractions and cultural events. Earning your master’s degree here will help advance your communication skills on a myriad of levels. As an FIU student, you’ll be surrounded by a variety of cultures with the opportunity to work for industry professionals building a credible portfolio under the guidance of world-renowned Miami Ad School.

Dual Enrollment with Miami Ad School

This master’s degree program is unique to the South Florida area, because as an FIU GSCC Master’s student, you’ll also have a dual enrollment in the Miami Ad School. There, you’ll get hands-on experience working with companies in the area. While you may find another Master’s program in various cities, enrolling in one with a creative track focus is to FIU in partnership with Miami Ad School

Advantages to Studying in Miami

The city of Miami is unlike any other when it comes to diversity. Spanish is the second-most spoken language with English being the first. You can step right outside your campus dorm and experience a different world that’s full of culture and diversity! Another benefit to studying the Global Strategic Communications – Creative Master’s program in Miami is that you’ll be able to work with some top advertising creative professionals giving you the opportunity to get real world experience

If you already earned your bachelor’s degree, and you consider yourself to have a creative mind, and thinking about pursing a master’s degree, consider coming to Miami to enroll in FIU’s Global Strategic Communications – Creative Master’s degree program. Contact the FIU Global Strategic Communications – Creative Program Director Grizelle De Los Reyes to apply at 305-919-4023 or through our online contact form today.

About GSC-Creative Master’s Degree Program

The Global Strategic Communication Creative Track is a 39-credit hour program leading to a Master of Science in Mass Communication degree. This interdisplinary program combines Florida International University’s Global Strategic Communication graduate curriculum in communication theory, research and strategy, with Miami Ad School’s advanced skills curriculum in Copywriting and Art Direction.

By |2017-01-13T16:35:27-05:00January 13th, 2017|Global Strategic Communications Creative|Comments Off on Why Miami Makes Our Global Strategic Communications Program Truly Global