Digital Content Marketing Workshop at FIU and Miami Ad School

Digital Content Marketing Workshop at FIU and Miami Ad School

Florida International University (FIU) in partnership with Miami Ad School prides itself on delivering relevant, hands-on lessons that students can take with them into the competitive and challenging field of creative media work. That’s why we’re proud to have Duran Inci, COO of Optimum7, a digital internet marketing and technology company, to serve as guest lecturer at one of our digital content marketing workshop courses.

Digital marketing is the future of the advertising and marketing industry which are populated with alumni from our degree program. Essentially, the aim of this type of work is the same as traditional marketing. You want to increase the visibility, reputation, and therefore the profitability of a business or product.

With digital content marketing, there are new concerns to deal with that require a more strategic approach. These strategies include:

  • Optimizing websites for search engines
  • Managing online reputations
  • Conducting market research to gain a better understanding of the consumer. This is done by developing successful online marketing opportunities using a variety of internet platforms and social media channels.
  • Analyzing metrics and tracking the effectiveness of online marketing campaigns
  • Oversee and evaluate the front end of a website development project by determining how user-friendly it is.
  • Developing competitive online marketing campaigns to target relevant prospects.
  • Evolving with the demands of internet marketing.

Learning the Effectiveness of Digital Content Marketing Through Blog Posts

In Mr. Inci’s lectures, students are taught the basic principles of writing B2B and B2C content by learning the difference between relevant and authoritative content. Through these two concepts, students master a deeper understanding of how influential and profitable contributing relevant, informative, and in-depth information can be to the eCommerce industry and economy as a whole.

After the lecture, FIU students are then put to the test. They are assigned SEO-related topics that are researched by Optimum7’s marketers. These topics are relevant to FIU’s Global Strategic Communications – Creative’s website.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO), is the practice of designing your online content and presence to rank high in search engines results. This is done by increasing the quantity and quality of traffic through online ads and searchable content.

SEO is an ongoing learning process as search engines like Google are always updating their algorithm. There is an endless list of evolving details; but here is a short list of the key ingredients needed when writing and optimizing B2B and B2C blog posts:

  • Ensure that headlines and subheaders have the right amount of valuable keywords
  • Backlinking
  • Authoritative and relevant content
  • Good spelling and grammar

These and many other elements of SEO are crucial to ranking high when someone types in industry-related keywords into a search engine. Students are taught that writing a blog post for the internet is more strategically sophisticated than writing an essay for a professor or a traditional newspaper article. Your digital content must be valuable enough to keep the readers’ attention before they click away to other content. Thanks to this assignment, students also gain a deeper understanding of how SEO works.

Digital Content Marketing Workshop at FIU and Miami Ad School

GSC – Creative Students Get Professional Training in the Classroom!

To ensure that FIU’s GSC – Creative Students are on the right track, their blog article assignments go through a thorough and rigorous review process overseen by Optimum7’s team of professional copywriters, offering guidance and feedback. Here, FIU students gain professional experience while inside the classroom.

Optimizing Digital Content to Meet Search Engine’s Approval

Learning the proper technique for writing professional blog posts means you have a solid skill set to offer almost any agency or business. When a company’s website is being updated with relevant, concise, informative and shareable content, the search engine in question, (Google, Bing) knows that the website is active and offers valuable information to its users.

Master Digital Content Marketing by Learning from Industry Professionals

The Florida International University’s Global Strategic Communications – Creative track provides our students with the opportunity to learn digital content marketing while being mentored by industry professionals, such as Duran Inci. Optimum 7 offers a wide range of internet marketing services, further explained to the students for them to understand the working environments and the skills necessary to be successful in the digital space.

By |2018-05-09T20:17:35-04:00May 9th, 2018|workshops|Comments Off on Digital Content Marketing Workshop at FIU and Miami Ad School