3 Tips to Survive (and Excel) at Miami Ad School

3 Tips to Survive (and Excel) at Miami Ad School

It’s hard to believe that it was only a little over a year ago that I graduated from FIU with by Bachelor’s degree in Advertising. Most people questioned why in the world I would want a Master’s degree that was so similar to what I had just studied, but I knew I needed a little extra qualification in order to be successful in the real world.

I had no idea what to expect in Miami Ad School and FIU’s combined program. Millions of questions raced through my mind before the first day of school. How would I measure up against other students? Am I doing the right thing starting a Master’s degree so early in my life? Am I going to even like it?

nervousLittle did I know how much I would gain from thisprogram. Now, just a few months from graduation, I have a new set of skills that I know will take me far in my career.

Starting out in the program, I had little background using Adobe programs, such as Photoshop and InDesign, and none, whatsoever, with Illustrator, Premiere, and After Effects. Now, I know all of these programs and have found my new best friend in Illustrator. Not only do I use them daily for my projects and campaigns, but also I enjoy using  them in non-school related parts of my life.

Not only have I become more confident in my art direction skills, but I have also learned how to be an idea generator. Daily, we are asked to come up with new, clever, interactive, (input any word you can think of here), ideas for all sorts of brands and clients.

Sure, sometimes the ideas we come up with aren’t so great, but we get better as time passes by. It’s all about working with your team and listening to what we everyone has to say. You never know when a crazy idea can become the next big trend in the advertising world!

Here are my tips to future students for surviving Miami Ad School:

1. Be confident in what you sell to your teachers and classmates.

Half the battle (I might be exaggerating) is conveying the idea in a way that shows you know what you are talking about and is excited about it. If you have confidence in your idea, people are more likely to like it as well.

2. Time management is everything.

I have never been one to pull all–nighters and I am proud to say I have not had to stay up all night working even once throughout the whole program. This doesn’t mean I worked less than everyone else. Instead, I woke up early and didn’t waste time during the day. It’s tough, but doable. If you’re afraid of the time commitment that goes along with the program, know that balance is attainable. You don’t have to sacrifice your sleep time.

3. Get to know your classmates. They are not your rivals, they are your team members and future coworkers. Who knows, maybe you will find someone you work so well with that you’ll make a partnership and tackle job interviews together (just like Dale and Brendan in Step Brothers”).

step_brothersI am so happy that I decided to go through with the Master’s degree in Art Direction. I feel far more prepared for what the future has for me, than I did a year ago. I know I will always cherish what I have learned this past year and the moments I have spent with the people I have met.


By |2014-02-18T20:55:47-05:00February 18th, 2014|Career Development, The CT Journey, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 3 Tips to Survive (and Excel) at Miami Ad School