48 Things GSC Creative Master’s Program Does To You

48 Things GSC Creative Master’s Program Does To You

 48 Things (& Counting) MS GSC – Creative Track Does To You.

Growth is the only evidence of life – Cardinal Newman

Believing in the words of Cardinal Newman, who said, “Growth is the only evidence of life,” I began the quest for evolution and fulfillment of my life plan. New York City is my calling, and the program is my stepping-stone to best establishing and developing my professional self. Almost at the end of the program I now understand that this is what it does to you.

  1. You seem to discover yourself, cliché as this may sound. Every creative has a personality, a style of writing and interpreting the world. Difference is everywhere and you learn to appreciate the beauty of it. You understand your belief system and the belief system of others. Responsibility and independence makes its way into your life.
  2. You learn humility in the response to creative directors saying, “ I only won 5 Cannes Lions, 2 Addys & a couple of D&ADs.”
  3. The word internship turns you on, if you know what I mean.
  4. You become the jack of all communication trades while learning to master one (Copy Writing). Juggling through multiple roles of being an actor, art director, copywriter, ideator, photographer, presenter, strategist and researcher makes you feel powerful. It’s almost like you can rule the world & there’s nothing you can’t do.
  5. Your happiness when a colleague wins a creative award knows no bounds. Your excitement when you win an award: OMG it’s Christmas!
  6. You can work with anybody in the world. You’ve shared interactions with fellow creatives from every continent of the world & figured out a way to work together.
  7. You fall in & out of the creative block and it’s okay.
  8. You become a fairly decent storyteller. You will learn to inspire people or even just make them laugh. If you are somehow able to do both, you’ve nailed it.
  9. You realize that big ideas don’t come to you while sitting in front of your Mac.
  10. You use the Internet for more than Facebook & every digital tool presents a different advertising opportunity.
  11.  You have no option but to stay immersed in pop culture & current trends.
  12. You always want to do the new.
  13. You notice stereotypes being reinforced & broken about you & your country.
  14. No matter where you are and what you do, your family will be your support system for life.
  15. You learn to deal with homesickness or any other type of discomfort by treating it as world news (all your friends will know about it) and you will have conquered death 5 times.
  16. You are programmed to think 360°.
  17.  Sometimes, alcohol will be your only recreation, and coffee, your dear friend.
  18. Your listening capabilities will shock the hell out of you. Everybody has some gossip to share if you’re willing to listen.
  19. Your friends and colleagues will keep getting married and pregnant while you’re still single, yet you’ll find a way to convince yourself you’re in a better place.
  20. Age: was, is, and always will be just a number.
  21. You make BFFs & when they leave for quarters away, your life turns into an apocalypse.
  22. You fall in & out of love just to make sure you can still feel.
  23. Maybe it’s good karma, but your mathematical skills get better.
  24. You will feel insufficient and your portfolio will be outdated after every quarter.
  25. Once in a blue moon you’ll find that one teacher who will blow your mind away! Keep looking.
  26. When someone appreciates your work, you’re on cloud 9.
  27. The conventional will seem mundane and boring. You constantly want to improvise. We’re talking everything from menu card layouts, disturbing fonts, copy that makes you cry, even your Facebook statuses, tweets & posts.
  28. Your hometown will suddenly seem more attractive than you would otherwise imagine.
  29. Many-a-time, your beliefs will be challenged. But, hang in there. Remind yourself why you started. Tattoo it or wallpaper it, keep it always in view. It will get you through.
  30. The debate of who brings the idea to the table the Art Director or Copywriter will continue as long as you both shall live. The answer is both of you, but the problem is none of you will admit it.
  31. You learn to manage time. To-do lists will be your Bible.
  32. You’ll want everything in your life to be extraordinary from vacations to meals.
  33. If you are lucky, you will find your creative better half (my Art Director in my case), and then layouts will be all roses and balloons.
  34. You realize sometimes that you’re different, but its okay.
  35. Be prepared for creativity to strike anywhere, anytime. & you better carry that notepad!
  36. From here onward you will be able to make and trust decisions for yourself. I mean, out of all the countless courses in the USA, you were able to select a life changing experience for yourself.
  37. Entertainment will be in your blood no matter what you do.
  38. Fellow diploma students will constantly question your Masters Program decision. You silence them by saying you were here for more than just a tour around the world. Or, just stay quiet if you love them too much. Bringing up finances also helps.
  39. You will feel like a cut above the rest; Just don’t let that feeling get the better of you.
  40. Sarcasm is your savior. Be sure to use it only when required.
  41. As you travel, people will keep entering and exiting your life. Hold on to the ones dear to your heart.
  42. You will be equipped with a new set of technological skills, like how to work magic with your DSLR camera.
  43. You will stumble and fall, but will have the courage to stand up, even stronger every time.
  44. You will finally learn to deal with disagreements like “adults” although your head may reach dark places. I’ll admit being an angry teenager was much more fun & dramatic.
  45. You’ll be introduced to perfectionist syndrome.
  46. You live in the hope that, someday, your mom will stop calling you 5 times a day. Yes, lets pretend that’ll happen.
  47. You miss your spending spree shopping habits, from back when dad paid for everything.
  48. & Finally, you grow up a little.

Meryl Fernandes

By |2014-02-18T21:03:32-05:00February 18th, 2014|Career Development, The CT Journey, The life of a Creative, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 48 Things GSC Creative Master’s Program Does To You