Art Direction

I have learned a lot about my skills as an art director this past year, but the one I think I think I have enjoyed discovering the most is my own personal art direction style.

Every student’s art direction is very unique from the next. This doesn’t mean that one is better than the other, it just means that we should keep our art styles in mind when making our final portfolio so everything looks cohesive.

For me, I have found that my works looks the best when I incorporate doodles and illustrations I draw on my own and upload them into illustrator, giving my work have a more happy, fun feel to it. When I am able to use my own style, I also find that I enjoy the whole experience more and am more likely to work harder to improve on it.

Just because I have my own style, doesn’t mean I do not like other ones. For example, there are other students in the program who have a more spacious, minimalistic way of executing that I find to be beautiful.

As I go further into my career, I hope to be able to master more than one type of art direction style. I hope that my work is unique enough to be recognizable, but also broad enough to be able to work for many types of campaigns.

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By |2014-03-21T16:28:19-04:00March 21st, 2014|Art Direction, Creative Development, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Art Direction