5 Inventions Every Woman Dreams Of

5 Inventions Every Woman Dreams Of

The 5 Inventions Every Modern Woman Secretly Dreams Of

Like Beyoncé has famously stated, “Who runs the world? Girls”. Being a woman these days means we do it all, and it is no easy task. If it was easy, a man could do it. Here are a few things I think every modern woman would find helpful when running the world.

  1. A Beauty Bot

Although beauty is only skin deep we still like to look our best, but between grad school and two jobs hair and makeup is the first thing I sacrifice for an extra 45 minutes of beauty sleep. So wouldn’t it be glorious if there was a type of robot that did your hair and makeup right before you woke up?

  1. Wake up and smell the coffee… literally.

I am unfortunately not a morning person, but these days I don’t have much of a choice. However waking up would be much more pleasant if there was an app that synced with your coffee pot that brewed fresh coffee right as you were waking up. That is a serious game changer.

  1. High Heels that are not life threatening

Every woman who has ever owned a pair of high heels knows exactly where I’m going with this. The right pair of heels makes any outfit complete, but let’s be honest it comes at a price. So is it too much to ask to create the perfect heel that is not only fashionable and sexy, but that is comfortable and won’t break your ankle?

  1. The Marry Poppins bag

You know exactly what I’m talking about. The contents of a woman’s purse hold the key to day-to-day survival. We carry everything in our bags: snacks, hand sanitizer, phone chargers, first aid kits. It is no wonder that our bags get so heavy; so can someone tell me when I can get the bag Marry Poppins has? Her bag is light as a feather with literally anything you could ever need.

  1. Guilt Free Junk Food

Don’t get me wrong, I am all about maintaining a healthy lifestyle and being very selective about the foods I choose to put into my body. But,, if someone managed to maintain the flavors of my favorite junk food while altering the nutritional contents to that of water, I wouldn’t be opposed to the idea. Besides, no one should feel guilty for eating chocolate.




By |2015-02-20T03:14:15-05:00February 20th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on 5 Inventions Every Woman Dreams Of