Mirror, Mirror What Do I See?

Mirror, Mirror What Do I See?

Time Ticking Quickly in Front of Me.

Clock Head Photo

Nolan Bushnell once said, “The ultimate inspiration is the deadline”. While, deadlines make most of us crazy, especially myself, they do serve a very inspirational purpose.

I use to think that inspiration would strike from the sky like lightning. Truth is, if you just sit there waiting, you may not get anything done. Deadlines remind us to engage and take action. I truly believe that, in order to become inspired we need not only define our goals and ideas, but to also create a schedule we can commit to.

I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with deadlines. Yes, they stress me out, but sometimes the stress helps me set priorities. Each day, each minute, and every second that goes by has fresh momentum waiting for me to collapse creatively. There’s nothing like an impending deadline to squeeze out a great idea or a basis of vision from an uninspired mind.

By |2015-02-22T03:16:13-05:00February 22nd, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Mirror, Mirror What Do I See?