A USB For Your Thoughts

A USB For Your Thoughts

A USB For Your Thoughts.
An invention that will enhance memory capacity.

Charlie Brown at School

Characters from Peanuts TV show, Charlie Brown.

Remember the classic Peanuts TV show, Charlie Brown? Do you recall the voice of Charlie Brown’s teacher? She was a representation of the “waa, waa, waa,” we would often hear when we would listen to some people.

We’ve all been victim to newly processed information going over our heads. As students, we tend to see it often in our every day lectures. It may seem difficult at times to grasp the idea of what our professors are trying to convey. It’s not that they’re teaching is insufficient, or that we aren’t trying our fullest to understand, it’s that there’s too much information to intake at one time.

I mean seriously, it’s not like we’re human recorders, right?

Well, let me introduce you to IMA, Internal Memory Accessory, a wireless patch that sticks onto the back of your neck. Its functions are to record the brainwaves at the time of learning through sensors. IMA makes it easy to mentally store information by remembering the electrical impulses activated in your brain. These messages are stored into the devices drive and are retrieved when needed.

For example, a student would be wearing IMA during a Biology lecture on the different types of bacteria. Later that day, he decides to make flashcards of the material he learned. He then realizes he can’t remember some of the bacteria names. He just thinks about the bacteria and his thoughts activate the patches recent history. IMA recalls the familiar signals and retrieves them back into the student’s brain, recreating the memory of class, with exact visuals and words.

Our brain has active neurons that create electrical impulses. When we think of a word, a picture, or an action, there are neurons being fired in your mind. IMA is a wireless patch that will stick onto the back of your neck and be able to read those signals through sensors. Students will be able to listen to lectures without taking notes because IMA will be sensing their brain activity. The brainwaves recorded will enable students to forever remember memories and play them back accurately. They would simply recall the instance and voilà! They are able to retrieve and relive the moment.

Patch Display Invention

Display of IMA wireless brain sensory patch.

Other features will include similar functions to that of a media player. The IMA user will be able to use media-like controls such as, fast forward, rewind, and pause. The user simply thinks of the image in their mind pausing and the memory stops. IMA will also come with an external hard drive when the patch’s storage becomes full. Users will also be able to download any memory anywhere! The idea is to take away the worries of forgetting what’s important. By enhancing your brain’s capabilities, all the knowledge you’ve ever learned, all the experiences you’ve ever had, all the things you’ve ever seen will be in the back of your pocket! Or should I say, the back of your neck!

By |2015-02-27T12:21:24-05:00February 27th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on A USB For Your Thoughts