5 Ways to grow your graphic design abilities

5 Ways to grow your graphic design abilities

Mastering a creative skill doesn’t have to be as complicated as you imagine. Here are a few simple steps that will guarantee a surge in your graphic design skills!

  1. Subscribe to Design Magazines (CMYK)
    It is important stay on current software updates and trends. Subscribing to Graphic Design Magazines, such as CMYK, Layers, & Photoshop Creative to name a few, can really help any designer stay on top of the game. These magazines offer a plethora of information and “how-to” articles essential for those beginning to expert designers.
  2. Ask for feedback
    Learning to accept constructive criticism is beneficial for professional and creative growth. Any type of artwork is subjective and you will be receiving bi-polar responses from different groups of people, especially your paid clients. However, it is important to learn how to cope with negative feedback as well as train yourself to detach from your own work.
  3. Submit works to competitions
    A few of the aforementioned magazines have opportunities for creatives to submit work in contests. This is a good way to put your work to play in the real world and even open new doors! Winning contests can aid in building your resume and give you the credentials you need in order to build a bigger and better clientele.
  4. Challenge yourself
    There is ALWAYS room for improvement or skills to master. Trends are consistently changing and it’s important to step out of your comfort zone. Challenging yourself to a new design trick will make you a better, faster and flexible designer. You will be able to better understand and deliver to  a wide array of clients. Find prints, magazines or art pieces that your love and try to recreate them!
  5. Create a portfolio
    In a digital era it is crucial to have an updated online portfolio! Potential clients and employers want quick access to view the work you have designed. Make it a purpose to update your online works and blog about them!
By |2015-04-10T12:11:26-04:00April 10th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on 5 Ways to grow your graphic design abilities