Best Buy Brand Revive from an art directors perspective

Best Buy Brand Revive from an art directors perspective

Reviving Best Buy was an absolute, yet fun, challenge! Starting off in 1966 as the “Sound of Music”, BBY was once the #1 choice in consumers for electronic needs. Big competitors, like Amazon, have driven away consumers from physically going into Best Buy stores. Our team of creatives worked hard on a creative strategy that could potentially boost BBY’s sales both online but most importantly, directly in stores.

Our main focus was to get consumers to shop directly in store and skip the hassles associated with online shopping. We created a campaign that centralized on the notion of not knowing who you’re truly buying from online. Therefore, our TV, Print and out-of-home advertisements focuses around that simple concept. The tagline used was “________ shouldn’t be cheap”. The blank could be filled with one of the three words: Quality, Service and Security. Our team found that these were the three most fundamental principles BBY stood for and we wanted to bring them to light through entertaining advertisements. The tagline was a quick and clever way to describe the negative experiences associated with shopping from vendors that consumers might have never even heard of. We delivered all advertisements in a humorous manner, keeping the style of BBY’s most recent ads. Since the brand is not completely “dead”, it was essential to keep a steady rhythm with the feel BBY’s current advertising, however, steering the message in a more relevant manner that ties with the idea of the campaign. For this reason, the print ads followed a very similar style with a subtle grey gradient and a single image cleverly depicting the message.

Best Buy is a company that to this day stands strong. With some strategic advertising they may be able to get consumers to shop once again in stores and gain consumers back from big online competitors.

By |2015-04-11T02:21:54-04:00April 11th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Best Buy Brand Revive from an art directors perspective