The 5 best things you can do to improve creative flow

The 5 best things you can do to improve creative flow

Being creative isn’t always easy, sometimes you have to take action to the juices flowing. Here are the the things I find most useful when I’m looking  for some inspiration.

  1. Get out

No one found inspiration being cooped up staring at a blank page. Get out and see the world, you never know what you might find.


  1. Talk to people.

People are incredible inspiring , you would be surprised to see how listening to other people can spark your creative flow.

(Yes, definitely talking to you.)


  1. Listen to Music

Listen to different kinds of music, listen to a sad song, or a love song, or a party song and you might just be inspired. Emotions are powerful, and setting the mood with music and you might just be inspired to create.


  1. Read

Whether its an article or a poem or a short story, reading triggers the imagination. Even if it happens to be a nonfiction piece reading forces use to imagine words as they would be in reality, and that is a great way to get the inspiration flowing.


  1. Try something new

Stepping out of your comfort zone is a sure way to get your creative juices flowing. Even if it is something as simple as trying exotic cuisine. Shaking things up from your normal routine is a definite way to find to give your inner creative something to work with.

By |2015-04-13T21:44:03-04:00April 13th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The 5 best things you can do to improve creative flow