Nostalgia doesn’t pay the bills

Nostalgia doesn’t pay the bills

In order to re-vive the Barnes and Noble brand, we had to put our creative minds together. Although this beloved bookstore has been known as one of the major retailers for books and associated products, their growth has been non-existent. As one of the managers we interviewed put it “Nostalgia doesn’t pay the bills”.

The direction we took for this project involved 360 branding campaign that focused on their college bookstores, which is their largest segment of sales. With this in mind, we researched and tried to uncover and insight revolving college life and how a bookstore fits into the daily struggle of being in university. We found that sleep is something college students could get more of, and with limited areas (that are private) to sleep, we though the idea of NAP PODS would be perfect.

With this creative direction in mind, we developed various interior design upgrades such as wooden floors and abstract geometric wallscapes that could attract students to want to sleep in the nap pods. The nap pods themselves are futuristic and give a very cozy and private area to sleep in.

We hope that with this upgrades the brand can grow and leverage the new traffic that is coming into the stores.


By |2015-05-28T16:47:26-04:00May 28th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Nostalgia doesn’t pay the bills