The Verbal App

The Verbal App


My biggest passion in life has always been to communicate with people and it is really sad to recognize that in my lifetime I will not be able to learn all languages I wanted to speak. Imagine if the language you speak could be understood worldwide and the only thing you needed was an app and a headphone. Google translator already does a decent job with typed documents, but what about our oral communication? As a South Florida resident, I observe, day after day, immigrants from Latin America, Russia and other countries having a hard time understanding and communicating with Americans. At the same time, I strongly believe that American’s doing business with China are also having Oral communication issues. The “Verbal App” would really transform the way people live. No more language barriers would exist. We would be able travel everywhere, make research or internships in different countries without thinking about the language and our already global economy would be even more dynamic than now. I believe it would make a huge difference in people’s lives and dramatically change the way we communicate.

Amanda Von Lohrman

By |2016-01-28T16:28:30-05:00January 28th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Verbal App