Since You’re Going To Do It Anyway…

Since You’re Going To Do It Anyway…


“They say insanity is doing all the same things.
And thinking that you’re gonna get a different ending”
– Elle Varner

There are a few things in this world that are nearly, if not completely, universally repulsing: vomit, spoiled milk, bird poop as an involuntary accessory …your own poop as an involuntary accessory…

The point of the matter is simply this:

Sometimes, we put things in our body that our body doesn’t like. And, when it counts, our body isn’t shy about returning unwanted merchandise. So, we vomit, no big deal. Someone has to clean it up. It’s unavoidable.

Sometimes, when we really want that bowl of cereal or really want to make those brownies, we take a chance and smell the milk. Sometimes the odds are in our favor, but, other times, not so much. Sometimes, we forget about that “use by” date, we go out of town and don’t clean out the fridge, our electricity gets turned off, or a number of other possibilities. One way or another, we’ll all likely have our encounter with spoiled milk. It’s unavoidable.

When we walk outside, we might get pooped on. Our intestines don’t know what a toilet is. If our body says “clear it,” the intestines do their job, no questions asked. These things happen. They’re unavoidable. Even so, of course, we make efforts to dodge these bullets.

There’s one more universal repulsion that comes to mind… the kitchen sponge. The kitchen sponge has been rated as the number 1 source of germs in the entire home. So, why do manufacturers keep making these germ brothels? Why do retailers keep allowing them on their shelves? Why do we keep using them? I don’t have the answer, but I am confident that we’re not going to stop. So, since we’re going to use our sponge anyway, long beyond its effective lifespan, how about a way to at least know the extent to which our sponge is contaminated?

I propose a sponge that changes colors as the bacteria within it increases. That way, we have no excuse and have a consistent reminder that our sponge needs replacing or, at least, disinfecting. There are actually some simple ways to disinfect and prolong the life of your sponge that may surprise you. This sponge, when disinfected, will return back to its original color accordingly. Animals change color for their own purposes, why not our sponge?


By |2016-01-29T12:50:41-05:00January 29th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Since You’re Going To Do It Anyway…