7 Things That Drive Me Crazy

7 Things That Drive Me Crazy

7 Things That Drive Me Crazy

Untitled1 Overall, I honestly consider myself a calm and down-to-earth person. I do. I say this because I get along with most everyone and I generally don’t get bothered by others. It usually takes a lot to get me upset. There are some things, however, that I see people do and it just gives me an itch.

  1. The Use of Smart Phones at Social Events

2 Smart phones have given people social media to connect and communicate across the internet from wherever they are; but with this, people have oddly become more anti-social than ever. I can’t stand when people seem more preoccupied with taking selfies and posting them more than looking at who they are actually with. It seems like sharing experiences with others who are not even there has become more important than experiencing the moment itself and enjoying the company.

  1. Uncalled-for Judgments


I don’t like negative talk. I don’t start it and I don’t like being a part of it. It brings me down when I am put in a situation where people are putting down someone else behind their back. It’s possible to speak badly about anyone, even oneself, so I don’t think its fair to point out the possible negatives in people.

  1. “This is Awkward”


I believe that a situation isn’t awkward unless you make it awkward and saying “awkward” makes it awkward. Instead of choosing to say this and make a situation awkward, try and figure out a way to be the positive socialite in order to make it not awkward.

  1. Tardiness


In Miami, there’s a concept called “Cuban Time” that has been created because of the nature of Cubans tending to be late. I realize that I can be late at times by a few minutes, but when it comes to work, I respect other’s time and arrive to meetings at the time scheduled. It drives me crazy when I have to wait 30 minutes or more for someone to arrive and I consider it unprofessional.

  1. The Anti-Conversationalists


I believe the best way to get to know someone is by genuinely asking questions. I enjoy asking people questions because it leads to interesting conversation, or a conversation period. However, it really bothers me when I am the only one asking questions. It makes me feel like the other person isn’t interesting in me back or in what I have to say or is just not interested in having a conversation with me. While this may not be what they are thinking, having a conversation requires two people talking, not just one person saying a monologue.

  1. The Sounds Straight Out of A Horror Film

7 The sounds of grinding teeth and nails running along on a chalkboard are the worst for me. They send chills down my spine and make my knees weak. Different people are sensitive to different sounds, such as the sound of sharpies screeching, but these two get me the worst

  1. When People Chew With Their Mouth Open


I consider chewing with one’s mouth open to be extremely improper. It should be something that’s learned from when one is little, so to not be doing it when an adult is just ridiculous. It’s a simple thing to do, so when it’s not done it portrays a lack of etiquette and intelligence.

Everyone has pet-peeves and things that drive them crazy. I consider these to be the top 7 things that make me something I’m usually not: flustered.


By |2016-02-05T13:58:19-05:00February 5th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on 7 Things That Drive Me Crazy