How to paint on Wooden Canvas

How to paint on Wooden Canvas

Painting on wood is not as simple as painting on stretched canvas, therefore I have a few tips for you to paint your next masterpiece.

  1. Use sandpaper to sand along the grain of the wood so that the surface is completely smooth.
  2. Prime the wood to rid it of pores so that the paint absorbs evenly.
  3. Squeeze the first color you want to use unto the palette. Keep a bowl of water and towel near.
  4. Apply the acrylic paint to the primed wood.
  5. Upon finishing, allow the work to dry for 24hrs.
  6. Use a sponge brush or spray to apply a sealant to seal in the paint.
  7. Show the world your awesome art piece.
By |2016-02-25T14:39:46-05:00February 25th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on How to paint on Wooden Canvas