How To Be A Creative Director

How To Be A Creative Director

How to Be a Creative Director




To be a creative director, you have to be creative. But it’s a lot easier to grasp than it seems. It just involves thinking differently and it’s all about taking a business problem and coming up with a unique solution.


Be Able To Present


Always believe in what you’re doing. Support your ideas with research so that you can build your work upon a solid basis and conquer the pitch. Rationalize your data by adding a story with it. This is most powerful when its paired with an insight and it’ll help you sell your idea and get everyone on board.


Gain Insights


A good insight is a common truth that applies to everyone but nobody sees. Become the target so that you can identify with them. If you can reveal the commonalities among a tribe (a group of people that share a common interest/ passion) you’ll not only show your client that you know what you’re doing, but you’ll be able to completely connect to your target audience.


Concept Strategy


The concept is the big idea that started with an insight and the strategy is how you plan out your concept in relation to the problem you’re solving. Define a time frame, the business-consumer touch points, the media, the market(s), the location and a budget so that you have dimensions to measure the progress and success of your campaign.


Be Innovative


Realize the real life issues behind the marketing problem. Examine sociological and economical positions to find the problem behind the problem and make your idea useful to society. Creativity is transcending to invention, where you work needs to be memorable to have an impact. Sometimes this involves being subtle, but smart, about branding.




Be realistic. Make sure that your creative campaign has structure that is backed up with research. Your concept might seem great and innovative, but in today’s world, your idea has to be measurable through KPI’s, key performance indicators. Going along with the strategy and the measures that you specified, be certain that you’re reaching your benchmarks to ensure that your creative ideas reach your market completely and effectively.


If you’re going to be a creative director, don’t go with the obvious answer; reset and think again. To be a successful creative director, you have to be able to analyze a business problem and generate an innovative solution to that problem that is socially responsible. Begin by observing the world in a different light to help you expand your knowledge and create truly unique and globally influencing creative work as a result.

By |2016-03-01T21:22:30-05:00March 1st, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on How To Be A Creative Director