Video Editing: Nitpick to Perfection

Video Editing: Nitpick to Perfection

Screen Shot 2015-12-10 at 11.04.54 PM

Overall, this Kickstarter video is a well put together piece. It delivers all the necessary information with clarity and tugs at the heart strings. The soundtrack is a perfect fit.

The graphics and text are neat and consistent, very well done. At times, the text could have been held on screen a little longer to ensure the viewer has time enough to read it. Some of the text screens seemed slightly off-kilter, but nothing jarring. The b-roll mostly fit in very well and, in some places, very ideally.

There isn’t much dead time in the narrative, which is good. But, the little that is there could use some shortening or be eliminated altogether, if possible. The video would do well to be under two minutes at best, but a few seconds past two minutes would still be an improvement. Also, the audio has a bit of atmospheric background noise; that could use some cleaning.

There seems to be a wavering of the exposure; its distracting. The camera must have been set to automatic. Of course, its always better to shoot on manual. Shooting on manual would have also allowed for a shorter depth of field to create a more overall elegant look.

Again, all in all, the video is well done. The talent delivered their lines well and the young ones are adorable. It kept my attention all the way through and truly piqued my curiosity about this Angelica Doll.

By |2016-03-24T15:35:08-04:00March 24th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Video Editing: Nitpick to Perfection