The New Face of Dictatorship and How We Can Stop It

The New Face of Dictatorship and How We Can Stop It

The New Face of Dictatorship and How We Can Stop t

This Ted Talk took place in the TEDx-Mid Atlantic in 2013. Even though it has nothing to do with creativity, it is about something that inspires me to remain active in the defense of human rights and democracy of my home country, Venezuela. I had the pleasure to work with Mr. Rendon and to work on the content of this presentation. Mr. Rendon talks about this new political model called Neototalitarism, which is like a dictatorship disguised as a democracy. This is the model that is currently being applied in Venezuela, which has brought terrible consequences to the country.

In his presentation, Mr. Redon aims to raise international awareness about this model and the threat that it poses to other countries of the world if it was to start spreading. He motivates people to use the special talents and skills they have in order to create content that can spread the word and make people aware of this situation.

Before I started working for him, I was an activist for my country. However, after listening to one of his speeches, I was inspired to use my skills in the production of creative makeups and props to send powerful messages that reflected the situation of our country. As a result, I believe that the content of this TED talk can be very inspirational to those who care about their country and are willing to make a difference by contributing to the cause in any way they can.

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By |2016-04-13T13:45:44-04:00April 13th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The New Face of Dictatorship and How We Can Stop It