The Prison of Your Mind

The Prison of Your Mind

The internal chatter of the mind is a nuisance. I often wonder how so many successful people have battled this racket that drives one insane. I am referring to that little voice in your head that tells you, “you are not good enough,” to accomplish what you seek in life. The truth is that this little voice in your head is exactly what you think it to be–noise. This noise can be turned off, if one makes a conscious decision to cease the constant bullying or reprimanding taunts. The issue becomes how does one start?

When I was confronted with this problem, I turned to friends, family, and many others to learn different ways on how to channel it off. However, what truly impacted my inability to accomplish this feat was listening to Sean Stephenson’s, Tedtalk. This man is a revolutionary thinker, orator, mentor, therapist, and simply masterful in his craft of helping people escape the “prison of their mind.”

Sean’s Tedtalk provides viewers with principles of his life philosophy that has helped him be where his is today. Though Sean suffers osteogenesis imperfecta, he still stands three feet tall with fragile bones, the assistance of his wheelchair, and the pillars of his faith to lean on. Sean teaches us the following:

Lesson 1: Never Believe a Prediction That Does Not Empower You

When Sean was born, doctors told his mother and father that he would be dead within 24 hours. Presently, Sean is still alive, and the doctors that told him he would be dead, are all rolling around in their tombstones. You will be given a lot of titles of failure in your life, but the best mantra to repeat to yourself is that, “everyone is rooting for me to win, even those that do not know it.” Sean’s Tedtalk was not a segment on how to relate to the audience’s adversity because he does not know them. He didn’t stand up there to talk about his difficulties when metal rods were placed inside his body, when his jaw was sealed shut, or his constant dependence on a human being to shower him. Sean stands up there to remind us, that PITY IS THE WORST DRUG TO HIT THE HUMAN RACE. The moment you feel sorry for another person, you are frozen in potential.

Lesson 2: You Are Not Your Condition

Aesthetically, Sean is handicapped, but this does not define who he is. The only disability is one’s refusal to adapt to whatever environment they are in. Sean’s purpose in life is not to be a disabled man with awesome handicap privileges; he was born to rid the world of insecurity. People seek external validation and do stupid things when they feel insecure, but deep down everyone just wants to be loved. People want to look in the mirror and love themselves. When you begin to feel sorry for yourself, you will wither.

Lesson 3: The Real Prison Is Your Mind

Your salvation is not outside these walls. It is because you are stuck in your minds bullying and torturing yourselves that you suffer. When you learn to love yourself, when you learn to master your emotions, then you are free.

By |2016-05-23T18:43:51-04:00May 23rd, 2016|Career Development, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Prison of Your Mind