How “The Medium is The Message” Translates to Digital Marketing

How “The Medium is The Message” Translates to Digital Marketing

By Natalia Bertok

Digital marketing has grown incredibly in the last several years. With the rise of social media, online advertising, and email marketing, companies have the ability to optimize their messages for a variety of online mediums. Digital marketing gives companies the opportunity to interact with their audience on a personable level. There are many options in the digital world to choose the way you want to portray your message. For example, if you are sharing an Instagram contest for an upcoming promotion, social media would be the ideal medium to choose from. Selecting the right medium to use for digital marketing strategies can contribute to the success of your company.

Social Media Creates a Bond With Your Audience 

Facebook for Large Audiences 

According to, Facebook passes over 1.23 billion monthly active users, making that a very large audience for companies to potentially appeal too. With the introduction of pages, consumers have the option to press a “like” button with a simple tap and have access to a company’s updates at all times. Facebook is the ideal social media platform for those who have various content to share from video, images and even file sharing as it allows for all of these examples to be posted on one consistent company page.

Twitter For Quick and Personable Messages 

The status sharing social media network has the capability of sharing a strong message through just 140 characters or less. As of June 2016, Twitter stated on their company page that they have 313 million monthly active users. While this can be limiting for those that want to share large text content, it can be an ideal medium as it prides itself on simplicity and getting the message across quickly. It can also be an ideal approach for companies that want to create a personal bond with their audience, allowing for easy replies to users. Your target users will appreciate the time taken to respond to them.

Instagram For Photo Sharing

Instagram is an excellent social media choice for companies who are looking to share their images in a simplistic way. There are currently, 500 million active users on Instagram to date, according to Instagram’s press page. This number is constantly growing. It may be limited to just a caption and image sharing, but it is a great medium choice for brands that want to share advertising in a quick format. Instagram has the ability to share advertisements and photos in a unique way through photography or short video. With filters and new add-on’s, joining the Instagram platform frequently brings fun to advertising approaches.

Online Advertising Is Always Available 

Analytics Tracks Your Data

Tracking data is important to digital marketing success. It allows companies to see various trends occurring through their social media, their website, and other platforms to see what works best for the message they are portraying. Using analytics tools such as Google Analytics can improve online presence and track important data needed for choosing accurate mediums.

Customer Service Tools to Engage 

Using customer service tools such as Live Chat can bring a loyal following from target consumers as they can trust that they can receive service with a click. Using a customer service medium online will create an engaging experience for audiences. Overall, it help improve digital marketing trends for companies. 

Email Marketing

A Call To Action

A call to action provokes a response from potential audiences. It can be an essential factor for bringing in consumers through various mediums. A call to action can be noted on a variety of online mediums, but using it through email will bring individuals to explore more about your company and/or advertising campaign.

Sending Consistent Newsletters 

Newsletters through email marketing can be a great way for companies to provide their audiences with updates and bring in potential earnings. Sending a newsletter on a consistent basis will contribute to users engaging with content and using email as a medium and will allow users to have a more personable experience with a company by providing those updates.

Using a variety of digital marketing mediums can help increase traffic coming in for your company and create successful bonds with users. Social media platforms are a great choice for personal interaction with users while email newsletters are great way to spread messages to a specific group of users. Digital marketing mediums have become an ideal choice of marketing methods and should be encouraged in daily marketing usage. Since the world has become more digital friendly, more and more consumers are choosing digital mediums to access information.

By |2016-11-23T14:57:40-05:00November 23rd, 2016|Global Strategic Communications Creative, Uncategorized|Comments Off on How “The Medium is The Message” Translates to Digital Marketing