What Master’s Degree Should You Get If You Have a Bachelor’s in Journalism?

What Master’s Degree Should You Get If You Have a Bachelor’s in Journalism?

Once you’ve earned your bachelor’s degree in Journalism, the next step is to determine whether or not you want to pursue a Master’s degree or try your luck in the job market.

Graduates who have chosen to test the job market often end up considering going back to school to earn their Master’s degree. Others have gone on to work rewarding careers. Social media has greatly influenced how journalists operate, as long-form stories are now often condensed to a 140 character tweet.

Higher learning that is focused on a global perspective will help journalists balance the world of social media with their work and utilize the tool to connect to a greater audience. Whether you choose to pursue a Master’s degree now, later, or not at all is ultimately up to you. Should you decide to go back to school, the real choice is deciding exactly what you want to study and how it can improve your chances for a more successful career.

What Does This Mean for Journalism Majors?

At first glance, it appears that the Master’s options for Journalism majors might be slim or else require a second discipline to accompany it.

While there are many graduate degrees to consider, Journalism majors may find that the Master’s degree in Journalism seems the most obvious way to go. However, Florida International University’s M.S. Global Strategic Communications Creative Track is another great option.

The GSC Creative Track encourages Journalism students to use their writing ability and research skills to go into copywriting. This skill is used in many different fields, but especially advertising. Here are some examples before expanding upon the importance of journalism majors in advertising.

Choose a Masters that Complements your Journalism Major

FIU School of Communication + Journalism is here to help you every step of the way. Journalism is only growing with the rise of social media and a higher degree in mass communications will improve your skills.

Introducing FIU Masters in Global Strategic Communications

Florida International University’s School of Journalism + Mass Communications offers creative students the opportunity to enroll in its Global Strategic Communications (GSC) – Creative Track Master’s program.

Located in South Florida, Florida International University (FIU) is proud to announce this one-of-a-kind degree program that caters to students who want to explore their creative side. The GSC – Creative Track program will prepare students on how to apply their talents toward a profession of their choice.

Working the Science of Social Media

Google has dominated the Internet, being the most popular search engine in the industry thus far. As a result, they have tons of data that rank websites. Internet marketers have to tap into these Google analytics, study them and then comprise a strategic plan to help their company rank higher in search results. FIU’s GSC – Creative Track degree program will train you on how to do this by having students work with the Miami Ad School and Optimum7, an Internet marketing company based in Miami.

The GSC – Creative Track is a 39-credit program leading to a Master of Science in Mass Communication degree. This interdisciplinary program combines FIU’s Global Strategic Communication graduate curriculum in communication theory, research and strategy, with Miami Ad School’s advanced skills curriculum in Strategy and Social Media. The program’s overall objective is to train the best creative minds with the skills and knowledge necessary to analyze a business issue and recommend the best creative marketing communication solution.

To learn more about this incredible Master’s program, contact the director, Grizelle De Los Reyes today!

By |2020-04-02T13:39:03-04:00December 2nd, 2016|Global Strategic Communications Creative, Uncategorized|Comments Off on What Master’s Degree Should You Get If You Have a Bachelor’s in Journalism?