Why Creative Professionals Consider A Master’s Degree To Further Enhance Their Opportunities

Why Creative Professionals Consider A Master’s Degree To Further Enhance Their Opportunities

Why Creative Professionals Consider A Master’s Degree To Further Enhance Their Opportunities


Unfortunately, in this world, knowledge comes at a price: It costs money and it takes time to know a lot. To some, knowledge comes easily. To others, it takes more effort. Regardless, people who received master’s degrees from Florida International University’s Global Strategic Communications – Creative Track program will tell you it was worth it to get them to where they are today.

Here’s why creative professionals with master’s degrees don’t regret it:

One Step Ahead of the Rest

A master’s degree can be useful for a number of reasons, and sometimes it’s necessary—for example: If you want to be a doctor or a lawyer, then you have to go to grad school. But, let’s say you majored in biology or political science and now you want to be a councilor or a journalist—a master’s degree could give you the knowledge and experience you need to get you to where you want to be fast. Moreover, a master’s degree can allow you to bypass entry-level job positions in your field right after college graduation. This can be helpful in a creative field, like advertising.

Despite the reasons for why you want a master’s degree, one thing remains true: A master’s degree puts you one step ahead of the people who didn’t get a master’s degree. Here’s why…

You Learn What You Need to Know to Succeed

With a master’s degree, you learn what you need to know to do the job you want to do. You don’t get a brief overview of subjects like you do in undergrad. You dive deep into complex theories and you have professors who do what you want to do for a profession on a daily basis. That’s why people get master’s degrees: To learn what they didn’t learn in undergrad and to learn what takes years to learn in the workforce.

Most master’s degree programs give you the knowledge you need to succeed in your chosen field. Some programs, like MFAs, simply create the right environments for you to succeed. FIU’s Global Strategic Communications – Creative Track program does both, and more. With this program, students learn complex communications theories that are related to advertising and get hands-on experiences at Miami Ad School.

Build a Portfolio of Professional and Creative Work

In addition to learning more about communications and advertising, FIU’s Global Strategic Communications – Creative Track program allows students the opportunity to build substantial portfolios of professional and creative work that they produce during the program. In partnership with Miami Ad School, students in the course take classes at FIU’s North Miami campus and Miami Ad School’s Wynwood campus.

Build Relationships With People With Similar Interests

Students in this program acquire the knowledge and experience necessary to show potential employers what they can do. What’s more is that students in this program get the chance to meet classmates, professors, and professionals in the advertising industry who they can create lasting relationships with. This program succeeds in brining like-minded people in the creative field together and it encourages collaboration in the expansion of new ideas and world-changing creativity.

Learn More About Florida International University’s Global Strategic Communications – Creative Track Program

Visit Florida International University’s website to learn more about the Global Strategic Communication Creative Track Master’s Program. Contact Grizelle De Los Reyes, Director of the FIU-MAS Creative Track Program at gdelosre@fiu.edu or fill out the contact form for additional information.

About Global Strategic Communications – Creative Track Master’s Degree Program

The Global Strategic Communication Creative Track is a 39-credit hour program leading to a Master of Science in Mass Communication degree. This interdisciplinary program combines Florida International University’s Global Strategic Communications graduate curriculum in communications theory, research, and strategy with Miami Ad School’s advanced skills curriculum in Copywriting and Art Direction.

By |2017-04-28T13:52:54-04:00April 28th, 2017|Career Development|Comments Off on Why Creative Professionals Consider A Master’s Degree To Further Enhance Their Opportunities