What is the Best Way to Transition from Creative Idea to Execution?

What is the Best Way to Transition from Creative Idea to Execution?

When you have an idea for something, it often is hard for you to actually get around to doing it. It’s very easy to procrastinate, get distracted with other things, and tweet about how you wish you could do something, but haven’t. This article will help you turn that 1% of your inspiration into 99% perspiration.

Don’t let Things Stay in Your Head

Write things down. If you let things stay in your head, your ideas may warp and no longer have that same “spark” of genius they did initially. When you write ideas down, it functions as a “first step”. Once you’ve made time to go out of your way to write down your idea, you’ll say to yourself “Hey, that wasn’t so hard, what can I do next?” This simple step makes you all the more likely to actually execute your concept.

Set a Goal

Now that you have physical, written proof of your idea, it’s time to set a goal for yourself. Don’t simply say that you will do X amount of work on it, tell yourself that you will do X amount of work by Friday, for example. Setting specific dates for yourself to be done with both portions of your work and a final product motivates you more to actually getting around to working on it.

Set Aside Time

Integrate working on your idea’s execution into your daily schedule. When you set aside a specific time to consistently work on it each day, you become obligated to keep working on your execution until completion. You’ll find yourself automatically getting into an “I will do this mindset” whenever this time of the day or week rolls around, resulting in you becoming motivated to work on it more and more.

Always Stay Patient

There will always be roadblocks and problems that arise on the way to your execution. Stay patient. If you’re not a strict deadline, don’t force out solutions to your problems. Answers will come to you, and forcing them out prematurely often leads to more problems. Be prepared to deal with the unexpected, and stay positive even when it seems like you’re going nowhere.

Learn How to Take Risks

As important as it is to work hard on your idea, it is also equally important to know how to take risks. You’re more often than not working to create something new in this world, which always has some form of failure involved. Commit to your idea and you will find yourself taking uncharted leaps you’d never have done before. However, you also must look at risks as warnings to not leap too far out. Figure out what realistic risks you’re willing to take and which ones are too dangerous for you to try.

Stay Passionate About Your Idea

Always remember what is driving you to execute this. If you ever lose faith in your idea, or if it becomes stale, your execution suffers as a result. Failing to stay passionate about your idea results in your work becoming half-hearted and incomplete. The spark that once drove you simply isn’t there anymore and you’ll begin to dread working on your execution and procrastinate. It is important that you don’t let this happen, as staying passionate about your work will always drive you to create more and do better.

Do it

Just do it. Now that you’ve read all of these helpful tips to mentally prepare yourself you’ll find that through repetition, consistently working on the execution of your idea becomes easy, and all you need to do is just do it. Show yourself that you are capable of actually doing things by subscribing and commenting below.

Written By: Joseph Valancy

By |2017-10-01T13:42:42-04:00October 1st, 2017|Advice, Career Development, Recommendations|Comments Off on What is the Best Way to Transition from Creative Idea to Execution?