3 Ways to Advance Your Copywriting Career

Copywriting is an attractive professional option for people who love to write and want a reliable way to translate that passion into a career. Advancing your copywriting career means constantly finding ways to build your portfolio and get your work published and read. There are so many dimensions to a writing career that go beyond frantically typing away (though you should plan on a decent amount of that) and we wanted to discuss some of them here.

  1. Publish Your Writings On Your Own Blog Or An Open Source Publication

There are fewer barriers to getting your work published than ever before. The expansion of the internet has given you the chance to spread your words to limitless people if it’s the right content at the right time. There are so many websites that let you start your own blog for free, so you have no excuse not to publish at least some of your material. If you don’t want to set up a blog for yourself, you can also publish pieces in places like Quora. Even if you keep striking out with other publications, sending a potential employer a few links to well-written pieces on one of these locations can help you get your foot in the door.

  1. Network With Other Aspiring Writers Of All Kinds

When you network with other writers at any level, you accomplish many good things. You create connections that could become important later down the road. The truth is, you never know when a friend of yours will find an opportunity of value and want to bring you on board. You should show everyone the best work you can so that they remember you should they find themselves in that position. The same goes in the other direction. If you find yourself going from not enough writing work to too much writing work, it will help you to have contacts who would be interested in freelancing.

  1. Practice Speed Writing Every Day

Every writing job comes with deadlines, especially copywriting. If you are used to having time to ponder and muse over a long project, the time has come to sharpen your skill for grinding out all the high-quality material you can as quickly as you can. After you grind it out, be sure to clean it up for grammar and spelling. Read it out loud and get used to using tools like Grammarly, both of which are normal parts of a copywriter’s life. It can be quite a bit different from writing papers for school, so it is never too early to practice.

How To Learn More About Advancing Your Copywriting Career

Whether you want to be a copywriter for advertising, marketing or any other business function, you can advance your career by studying at Florida International University in partnership with Miami Ad School. To learn more, email Grizelle De Los Reyes, Director of the FIU-MAS Creative Track Program at gdelosre@fiu.edu or contact us online for additional information.

By |2018-05-23T09:30:36-04:00May 23rd, 2018|Copy Writing|Comments Off on 3 Ways to Advance Your Copywriting Career