Becoming an Advertising Copywriter: 4 Tips for Launching Your Career

A career as an advertising copywriter can be creatively fulfilling and financially rewarding. Copywriters are responsible for every written element that appears in an advertising campaign. This can include everything from billboards to magazines inserts, online advertisements, blogs, articles and social media engagement such as Facebook posts and Tweets. All of these elements must be unified by the voice of the brand, whether that is playful, professional, edgy or traditional.

However, advertising is a competitive and ever-evolving field of study. You need to give yourself every advantage if you want your application to stand out from the pack. Let’s explore some tips that can help you launch your career as an advertising copywriter.

  1. Study the words that sell

The language of brands, sales, and persuasion, in general, is not a set science, but an evolving art. You want to be aware of both great, successful advertisements from the past, and current techniques that are grabbing attention.

  1. Start as soon as possible

One element of the job for which you cannot be too prepared is the sheer volume of material you will be expected to write. Even if you are not sending out applications or enrolling in advertising school yet, you can still submit your writing to be published at every available opportunity. Even if all of these turn you down, you can always publish your writing yourself on websites like Medium, or launch your own blog. Don’t focus on the status of the platform. Employers know that everyone starts somewhere. If you show them your talent and discipline, you will be good to go.

  1. Apply to every internship you can find

While you’re focused on learning what makes compelling advertising copy, you can always sharpen your editing skills by reviewing the rules of grammar. Take online editing tests so that you can make yourself useful when applying to be an intern at various agencies.

  1. Prepare yourself with world-renowned education

Advertising is a crowded field, but you can make yourself stand out by getting an excellent education on the subject through a unique educational partnership. Florida International University has partnered with Miami Ad School to bring you a top-tier creative education. You will get the opportunity to build your portfolio with real-world learning copywriting and advertising projects.

How to Learn More Tips About a Copywriting Career in Advertising from FIU-MAS

Beyond a world-class advertising education, when you study at FIU-MAS, you get to network and grow as a copywriter in the Wynwood district of Miami, a vibrant art scene that plays host to world-famous art festivals. You also get to join an alumni network that has an incredible reputation throughout the world of advertising. They can help open doors for you just as someday, you will open doors for others. To learn more about the FIU-MAS program contact us online or email Grizelle De Los Reyes, the program director, at

By |2018-06-20T10:00:11-04:00June 20th, 2018|Copy Writing|Comments Off on Becoming an Advertising Copywriter: 4 Tips for Launching Your Career