Life Hacks for Building Your Creative Skills

Life Hacks for Building Your Creative Skills

creativityWhen people think of creative skills, they usually associate it with artistic talent. The truth of the matter is that creative skills are not only reserved for people in the arts. Everyone can have creative skills with some practice! Regardless of what you specialize in, you need to have creative skills to solve problems, bolster teamwork, productivity, and in the long run, increase profits. So, where do you start if you are undergoing a creative block?

Create Something Every Day

There is no right or wrong answer to what you should create, and it doesn’t have to be related to your expertise. Simply put, think of things that inspire you and work from there. That can range anywhere from writing a short story, drawing a logo, or jotting down ideas for a business model. Try and teach yourself new things as much as possible. If there’s anything you wish you knew how to do, and you have some free time to dedicate to it, you will expand your creative abilities by challenging your knowledge base and practicing.


Creative ideas tend to flow better when people are conjuring them during times of the day where they are most productive. Whether it’s the start of each morning, or the end of each day, take advantage of when your creative juices flow best. Some people also associate creativity with being in a certain place or doing a certain thing to help them get into a creative mindset. Whatever your ritual is, take advantage of it each and every day.

Lean on Others

Surround yourself with likeminded people who enjoy hashing out creative ideas as much as you do. Getting alternative insight on your ideas and challenges will help you rethink the way you are doing things. While coming up with solutions on your own is rewarding, don’t overlook the benefits of working with others.

Take Risks

Since creativity is about thinking outside the box, you will have a hard time getting there if you are determined to stay within your comfort zone. Sometimes, we are too afraid to execute an idea because of the reaction of others. Save yourself the stress and thoroughly plan how will you present your idea(s) to others. Even if it isn’t well received, it is better to properly develop your case or argument so that people can understand where your train of thought originated. Overall, creative thinking isn’t doing what you think will make others happy, it’s about exposing the minds of others to a deviation from the norm.

Motivation and Hard Work

Building your creative skills is a work in progress, meaning that you will always find a new way of doing something. Don’t prescribe yourself to others conceptions of what talent is. Show up, work hard and stay motivated. With that attitude, you will be able to harness your creative skills in any job.

Cultivate your Creativity at Florida International University (FIU)

The Global Strategic Communications Creative Track program leads to a Master of Science Degree in Mass Communication with a specialty in Creativity, also known as the Creative Track. This program, in partnership with world renowned Miami Ad School, is designed to tap into a student’s creative skills and strategic thinking. Learn how to develop an advertising campaign through the analysis of a brand’s issues with creative solutions that engage consumers at the deepest levels. The program combines the theoretical and academic courses of Florida International University with creative skills development courses taken at Miami Ad School, learning from instructors that are at the top of their academic and professional careers.

If you are ready harness your creative ability and strategic thinking, and earn a graduate degree from two top world renowned institutions, contact Grizelle De Los Reyes, Director of the Global Strategic Communications Creative Track program, at

By |2014-05-12T21:52:20-04:00May 12th, 2014|The life of a Creative, Tips and Short cuts, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Life Hacks for Building Your Creative Skills