ADHD or My Overflowing Well of Inspiration?

ADHD or My Overflowing Well of Inspiration?

ADHD or My Overflowing Well of Inspiration?


ADHD or my overflowing well of inspiration?

When people talk about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), many think about the kids in school who can’t concentrate, or the very disruptive kids who keep cutting others off. People might think of those who generally cannot keep up with the normal life and more often suffer from lose of focus in the things they do.

By definition, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD- is a medical condition that affects an individual’s focus and ability to pay attention. While this condition manifests itself in a variety of ways that are more often than not negative, I for once have embraced it and have realized how much it is positive in my life.

ADHD inspires me to do a lot of things that I find inspirational, things that keep me moving from day to day. I dare say, it is a blessing in disguise as it makes my brain work so much, coming up with so many ideas on a variety of issues, making my life much interesting. Under control, my condition is a source of my creativity; my identity and the one thing that lets me enjoy life. Below is a number of ways I draw my inspiration from my Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD);

ADHD or my overflowing well of inspiration?

  • I am able to interact with people of all sorts due to my hyperactivity. I always have something to say to keep the conversation going. This has enabled me to be not just a social person but a social butterfly. I am thus able to make many friends all across ages, genders and different cultures.
  • Spontaneity is fun. Routine is boring. I am quite the spontaneous individual. Sometimes in the middle of an activity, given my ever spinning brain, I come up with all these random ideas and thoughts and get to act on those within my reach. This makes me someone fun to hang around sometimes. We all love that friend, who, in the middle of nothing comes up with the idea to randomly go shopping or sing karaoke or even go bungee jumping. I am that person. I am Bashayer’s complete source of spontaneity.
  • ADHD boosts the way I think and also improves my creativity since I am able to think of so many things at once. This enables me to conjure up several permutations and possibilities of a given scenarios. I am thus able to think quite fast and come up with solutions very fast.
  • Because of my condition, I am able to put so much focus on the tasks I have and complete them fast. I am able to channel my extra focus on my activities, get them completed well in time.
  • Nobody minds a little extra energy. I am quite an energetic person thanks to my condition. This gives me the much needed energy to get me through some days where one could do with that extra push.
  • When I set my mind on something, I always have to ensure it is done. I am very persistent in ensuring I get what I have set my mind upon. This enables me to get through most things in life that require determination.

So while most people associate Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) with all the negatives, I find all the positives and it is the one thing that makes me who I am. It drives me, inspires me do a lot of things that are fun and interesting. It really spices up my life. It allows me to be artistic, a lover of art as well as this source of creativity that I am. After all, doesn’t every cloud have a silver lining?

By |2015-02-26T23:22:50-05:00February 26th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on ADHD or My Overflowing Well of Inspiration?