Everything you do and say is Public Relations

Everything you do and say is Public Relations

People usually judge the book by its cover, the same thing happens every single day on the market where people see the brands and judge the way they communicate their messages to the audience through different channels.

If I was down to the last dollar of my marketing budget I’d spend it on PR!” – Bill Gates

That is a famous quote by Bill Gates speaks itself. My 7 years in Public Relations taught me that PR is a powerful instrument which usually leaves underestimate and only smart leaders can understand the power of the word in the way it can change brand perception and make friends out of your enemies.


But first of all have a look at 3 simple and the most important rules that every PR person has to know

1. First Impression Count: people judge you and brand you represent by your appearance, tone of voice – be polite cause this can cost you just your job but the brand can loose its reputatiom.

2. Build your network and be friends media: You can spend years on it but it will pay you back. Cause this business about connections only.

“Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer” – Julius Caesar

3. Reputation rules your business: Work with people you trust and never lie – being professional means to deal with good and bad effectively.



By |2014-04-23T14:38:19-04:00April 23rd, 2014|Public Relations, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Everything you do and say is Public Relations