Inspiration Takes Some Magic.

Inspiration Takes Some Magic.

At first glance, this TedTalks doesn’t scream out inspiration. If I hadn’t stumbled on this piece I probably wouldn’t have given it the time of day. But I did, and the first 5 seconds of the visual production instantly got me hooked.

Marco Tempest helped inspire a different, more positive view of how and why we do the things we do. There are various instances where the audience is exposed to the word, “lie” and is given real-life scenarios where we do it. His spin on telling a story through technology entertains us and creates a dissociation between our senses, like seeing the ugly word “lie” while at the same time, being told the beautiful story of a man and a woman first meeting. It sheds some light on what makes us human and how we’re all connected through this primal action. It sounds bizarre but the truth is we all deceive, and to do it well is an art-form. It’s the art of how we draw each other closer, whether by what is incredibly real or incredibly not, that brings truth and highlights our humanity.

By |2015-03-13T12:52:57-04:00March 13th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Inspiration Takes Some Magic.