6 Ways to become a better Designer

6 Ways to become a better Designer


Photo Credit: Lynda.com

6 Ways to become a better Designer

So you like to be creative? Most of us already know the basics of the Adobe programs, but we want to further our skills and learn more. Here are 6 ways you can become a better designer:

1. Do research.

Before you start your project, look for inspiration. I like to visit Pinterest and search for other projects or read blogs. This helps get your creative juices working and you can discover new ideas.

2. Learn the programs.

When it comes to Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign, there’s always something to learn. Adobe is always coming out with new features, be sure to stay up-to-date on the latest ones available. You can do this by watching tutorials online- I like to use sites like Lynda.com.

3. Draw out your idea.

Pen and paper still exists. We don’t have to do everything on the computer, take some time and sketch out your idea before you even start the project on your computer.

4. Find fonts.

Most designers already know this, but it’s super important. Stop trying to use the same fonts over and over again. Visit sites like dafont.com or fontzone.com in order to search for the perfect font you are looking for.

5. Experiment with colors.

There are so many color combos out there that it can be difficult to chose sometimes. Explore outside the same swatches and use tools like Adobe Kuler, which lets you save colors in ASE format and use with any Adobe program.

6. Don’t settle for your first draft.

Go ahead and get your first draft done, but it won’t be your last one. As a designer it’s all about perfection, so make multiple drafts and then you can figure out which one works best.


By |2015-03-23T12:47:07-04:00March 23rd, 2015|Graphic Design, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 6 Ways to become a better Designer