Best Buy – Reviving the Brand

Best Buy – Reviving the Brand

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     For my groups BrandRevive project, we chose Best Buy. My team members include Stephanie, Karla, Shuaa, and myself. Out of the 4, Stephanie is our copywriter. We are working on creating a presentation with Best Buy’s original colors, blue, yellow, and black with a simple and easy to read design.

     One of our requirements is to create an application for Best Buy. Something we have in mind and are talking about creating an app with geo-locating and geo-catching features. Depending on your location, the nearest Best Buy notifies you of a discount or deal. As the consumer, it is up to you to go to that Best Buy (within a certain amount of time) to catch this deal and use it for your next Best Buy purchase. We believe this will motivate buyers into the store and to make an actual purchase.

By |2015-03-31T12:55:47-04:00March 31st, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Best Buy – Reviving the Brand