Being Creative

Being Creative

As you stare at your laptop screen trying to concept your next million-dollar idea you begin to wonder, “Why am I doing this?” Why would anyone want to spend all day trying to come up with exciting and innovative ideas? Everything has been done, right? Creativity is an interesting notion. It isn’t something that can be taught or learned, but something that is developed through use. As you become more apt in creating ideas and honing your thought process you become more aware of what creativity means. Although I won’t attempt to define creativity I will attempt to give some helpful hints during your creative journey.

1. It is okay to say, “Screw This.”

It really is okay to not be inspired. Just as you don’t always want to watch your favorite television show or just don’t know what food you’re craving the same happens with inspiration. If you aren’t feeling inspired just walk away from the project for a little while, and come back after some time of reflection.

2. Let your mind wander.

Sometimes just letting your mind wander is the best way to come up with a crazy idea. Some people do this in the car or the shower as a self-reflective exercise while some people chat with friends or watch funny videos as a group activity. Find out what works for you and go for it.

3. Put a dry erase marker in your shower.

Seriously, just do it. It seems like I always have an amazing idea in the shower, which means I can never write it down. Now, when I have an idea I just write it down on the board between rinse and lather.

4. Look at inspirational work.

You will never know what is possible until you see what other people have done. Looking at artists that are light years ahead of me in skill and passion always inspire me. I want to be involved with their fascinating projects and push myself to be better.

5. Exercise.

This isn’t only for your health, but for your brain. Exercising releases endorphins that make you happy, and when you are happy you are more creative. So go out for a brisk walk or a swim and see the difference it makes in your creativity.

6. Creativity is subjective.

Above all else just remember that creativity is subjective. Do what you think is creative, and, in the end, your ideas will shine.

By |2015-05-08T17:56:55-04:00May 8th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Being Creative