What If You Could Record Your Dreams?

What If You Could Record Your Dreams?

Photoshop Your Dreams

One of the most fascinating things about sleeping is our ability to dream. The images we see in our heads are sometimes so amazing and indescribable that we wish we could watch them over and over. Unfortunately, most of the time we forget what we dreamt of. How amazing would it be to have a dream recorder so you could keep your favorite dreams forever?

The best think about a dreaming is how incredible it can be and the worst is how quickly we forget it. Although there are those few dreams that are so vivid and memorable that they stay with us for our whole lives, we forget most of what you have dreamt of within minutes of waking up. If we are not quick to write down what we dreamed about right away, those images disappear from our memory and are gone for good.

Sometimes dreams are indescribable. We love telling about our dreams to our friends, but hearing other people’s dreams is not as fun. Only you really know how incredible your dream was because you have visuals to refer back to. When describing it, the people listening will never see what you saw. With a dream recorder, we could not only show our dreams to people, but we could also experience theirs. That would probably create a whole new section of social media – in addition to sharing places we visit, food we eat, and the activities we engage in we would be able to upload our dreams online and share them with the world. Imagine the crazy things we would see that people’s minds have formulated?

Dreams have always been used as sources of inspiration. If we could actually have a way to record and play back what we dreamt of we could always reference exactly what we saw in our sleep to fuel our inspiration even further. Music, art, and movies would probably take on a whole new life.

Maybe one day we will be able to permanently save the wonderful, indescribable dreams we see at night, but until that day the best thing we have so far is Photoshop Your Dreams.

By |2015-05-08T17:01:11-04:00May 8th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on What If You Could Record Your Dreams?