More Ideas In 3 Easy Ways

More Ideas In 3 Easy Ways

More Ideas in 3 Easy Ways

1- Use Analogy

Simply force your brain to combine two or more things that are similar in shape and explore endless ideas. No censure is allowed during the process. Remember that innovation requires a free open mind willing to consider different solutions to everyday problems.

2- Ask Why

Explore the world around you with close attention to detail. When it comes to product innovation it is important to ask why things have the shape they do. Ask if they really need to be that way. Most of the times the answer is no. You will be surprised how many products you can invent or improve with this simple technique.

3 – Brainstorm

The preparation for a Brainstorm is the most important step. Before you start the session make sure that all participants know exactly what problem you’re trying to solve. Get a pen and start to write down the ideas. A mediator can conduct the precess suggesting directions, but again, no censure is allowed. Analysis and combinations of ideas usually lead to great results.

Practice makes perfect! Try the techniques and let us know what you create. Good Luck!

By |2016-05-17T14:05:59-04:00May 17th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on More Ideas In 3 Easy Ways