5 of My Favorite Quotes

5 of My Favorite Quotes


I’m usually a listener more than I’m a talker.  Everyday I hear people say things that make me laugh, frown, or freeze.  Here are 10 of them.

1. “Want to continue to grow as a man and take chances with my facial hair.”

I heard this on a podcast.  Not sure which one specifically, but I found it funny and I related to it. This is what I want to do.  Just make grown up decisions and not cut too much hair from my face.

2. “I don’t want to piss on your bliss but…”

I heard this one on the HBO show, Veep.  I wasn’t watching it, I was only listening and it made me laugh out loud.

3. “The worst stuff that you say is better than the best stuff that some other people say”

This quote is inspirational. Don’t be afraid to say what you feel.  Don’t be intimidated by other people.  What you have to say is just as important.

4. “-hey I have two questions”
– “I only have time for 1. go ahead.”

I heard this on TV as I was doing homework.  I found it funny.  The person of importance only had time for 1 question and was nice enough to allow it.

5. “Morgan, I’m being sarcastic… duh”

My 7 year old brother told me this and I had no idea that he knew what sarcasm is.  It was quite funny.

There are many more quotes where this came from.  I collect them daily.

By |2016-05-16T16:11:39-04:00May 16th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on 5 of My Favorite Quotes