Bop It! Lately?

Bop It! Lately?

bop it cartoon

It didn’t take long for our research to reveal the reality of the bop it!. Those who once enjoyed the game the most almost unanimously agreed that they would gladly play it again, but there was a slim chance they would actually buy it. With this in mind, our challenge was to return relevance to bop it!.

Over the past decade bop it! has undergone a number of “updates”. These updates consisted solely of a change in shape and/or an added command. The original baton-shaped “bop it! pull it! twist it!” became an angular “bop it! pull it! twist it! flick it! scroll it!,” in another version, “shout it!,” and in the DJ version, “scratch it! spin it!”. There was inherent change in the gameplay.

bop it original

bop it mini bop it 2 bop it 3 bop it 4 bop it beats


To give the bop it! a new appeal, we conceptualized the bop it! dare. This increased the stakes of losing. With the bop it! dare, when a command is missed, the player is given a dare, spoken by the bop it!. Dares would be lighthearted and playful. There would also be the option of programming personalized dares before gameplay using the bop it! dare app.

To reestablish brand awareness and provide bop it! with an interactive social media presence, we created a mini-campaign on Facebook and Twitter, prompting followers to participate in various virtual dares on Facebook and to reminisce of other childhood joys and experiences.

FB POST 2Bop It FB Post 1Bop It FB Post 3Bop It Tweet 2 copyBop It Tweet 1 copyBop It Tweet 3

With this new social media persona, interactive direct-mailers, and instore advertising, the goal is to remind a nostalgic generation of the game they once loved and introduce a new generation to a game they don’t yet know they’re missing.

By |2016-03-31T19:45:24-04:00March 31st, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Bop It! Lately?