A Creative Genius Bares All About What It Really Means To Be A Creative

A Creative Genius Bares All About What It Really Means To Be A Creative

What exactly does a creative do?

Some think creative people are just creative. It’s as if the creative person is a thinker or lives in the clouds with no actual understanding of reality and the way the world really works. Obviously, this is not true.  A creative person can handle many different tasks that require logical thinking.

Creatives can have a unique way of seeing problems and solving them.  While some think creative people should be tucked away in a room and kept only for creative purposes, creatives can serve a greater purpose.  Logical thinking people leave all of the creative work to the creative people and don’t give them any say on the operational or overall vision of a campaign.

Because of this, many artists feel they must sell their soul or have an unprecedented attachment to their work.  They think their only expression and identity is in the work they produce.  The best way around this is to completely detach yourself from your work.

By detaching from your work, you will not care whether your expression is true to you or not.  If the campaign fails, you won’t feel as bad. Logically, the creative should not have any say on what the strategic outlook is.  That is why there is a team.

A left brainer can best get along and inspire a creative if they give them a light guideline and not try to meddle too much in every step of the process.  If the output is not good in the end, then the left brainer must give the creative reasons and ways to improve rather than completely dismissing their work.  However, with time constraints and questions of money, this can become tedious.

While it’s easiest and most efficient to just keep it moving and blow off the creative work, inspiration is key.  A creative person must be engaged and feel as if their work is important and integral in some way.  Sometimes, having confidence in your creative can do wonders for the end of the campaign.

If it doesn’t work for you, then give the creative something to work with.  Guide them better.  The creative brief is important for this.  It is guiding and not confining like some may think.  The creative brief allows a creative to understand where the journey is headed, and not blindly working with no boundaries.  Robert Frost called this the net in tennis.  I read this somewhere when an author quoted him to teach the art of guidelines and boundaries.

Without a net in tennis you are just hitting a ball back and forth and there is no game, there is no sport.  With the creative brief, you are given guidelines which is easier on your subconscious mind to reach others through the final output.  The left brain needs this creative brief in order to feed the right brain what it needs to do.  If not, the right brain will just create a pile of mush because you gave it a pile of mush.  To mold and shape it, you need the left brain.  The creative brief is the left brain. We need the creative brief.

By |2014-03-21T16:41:02-04:00March 21st, 2014|Creative Development, Creative Freedom, Uncategorized|Comments Off on A Creative Genius Bares All About What It Really Means To Be A Creative