4 Reasons You Should Spend Your Time in the Creative Marketing Communications Industry

4 Reasons You Should Spend Your Time in the Creative Marketing Communications Industry


The creative marketing and communications industry has grown tremendously over the last several years. With the introduction of social media and various technologies, companies have latched on to these trends with the hopes to grab their consumer’s attention. One particular way of doing this is pursuing individuals that are knowledgeable in the creative marketing and communications industry.  No matter where you may be, you are bound to run into advertising or marketing of some sort and that is why the creative marketing and communications industries are so valuable in today’s society. Here are some of the main reasons why you should spend your time in the creative marketing communications industry.


Reason #1: The Working Environment


Sometimes You Need to Have the Right Atmosphere to Work Effectively


There is a theory that ad agencies and creative departments have a lot more fun during their work hours than their colleagues and for the most part, this stands true according to my creative and marketing friends. All those funny, unique and clever branding ideas that you see daily are created by someone in the creative industry. Similar to writer’s block, creatives tend to have points where they reach a “creative block”.


For example, a client is looking for a flyer advertisement to be developed by the end of the day, but your creative marketing and communications team do not have any ideas. This may not be something that can be done in just a couple of hours. The work environment has to be efficient to be able to work. Sometimes the best ideas come about at 3 in the morning or 8 o’clock at night, and in this industry that can be acceptable. Just get it done and get it done well.


Reason #2: The Opportunities and Connections


Networking With a Variety of People in Different Places


For the most part, businesses need designers, marketers, and communicators to be able to sell their product or the idea they are trying to portray. Whether you are selling a gym membership or a smartphone, companies will reach out to creatives to help develop ideas to sell. During your time in the creative industry, you will come across individuals in all different kinds of industries. This helps develop connections across the board with various people that could potentially benefit you and/or company you’re working with in the future.


Reason #3: The Excitement


Being A Part of Something Unique and Rewarding


Although the creative marketing and communications industry at times can be challenging but it can also be a rewarding experience. Not every project is going to be glitz and glamor, but creatives can be involved in some of the most unique and exciting projects during their careers.


During my own undergraduate and graduate experiences thus far, I have had and will continue to have the chance to be involved in a variety of interesting projects that will leave a positive impact in my future endeavors. As I am currently attending an advertising and portfolio school, I am able to see creativity by industry professionals first hand. Long days dedicated to working on one particular project will occur but the finish line is motivating. It can be truly a rewarding and fun experience, especially when you get to see a project you were engaged with become a finished product.


Reason #4: The Learning Experiences


There is Always Something to New to Learn


The world is always changing and coming up with bigger and better ideas. In the creative marketing and communications industry, creatives are always learning something new. Whether that is a new skill set, new technologies, new programs, or learning new communication methods, this industry will keep you on top of your career.


Creatives have to adjust to new social norms, advertising methods, and various skills to keep up with modern day marketing and communication trends. Learning is very beneficial in a career as it allows you to constantly know how to approach new ideas, and more specifically keep you ahead of the game. This can be a positive experience for yourself and furthermore, for clients as they know you are knowledgeable and up to date. This can also be applied to newer clients who are pursuing your services and are looking for reputable creatives. Like the old saying goes “you learn something new every day” and this especially applies to this industry.


There are excellent creative marketing and communications companies out there that will provide you with a fulfilling and successful career. If you’re looking to start a career in the creative marketing and communications industry, consider looking into a portfolio  or graduate program that offers the skill sets needed to accelerate your creative career such as Miami Ad School located in a variety of locations across the globe. Does this industry sound interesting to you? To find out more visit: www.miamiadschool.com, it could be time to bring out that inner creative in you.



By |2016-11-18T18:33:21-05:00November 18th, 2016|Global Strategic Communications Creative, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 4 Reasons You Should Spend Your Time in the Creative Marketing Communications Industry